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Poster Mockups in Photoshop | Abduzeedo Design Inspiration Abduzeedo is a blog about design. There are all sorts of articles for those who want to look for inspiration. Also you will find very useful tutorials for the most used applications out there, with a special selection of Photoshop Tutorials and Illustrato
50張PHOTOSHOP海報設計教學還不錯的教學資源推薦給想練功的 ... In this article I compiled a list of 53 easy to follow Photoshop Poster Tutorials so you can learn how to design your own ...
Photoshop CS6 活動海報設計建立標準海報設計文件- YouTube 2013年9月20日 - 3 分鐘 - 上傳者:Kk Hui Photoshop CS6 活動海報設計建立標準海報設計文件.
Creating a Spectrum Poster Design in Photoshop In this tutorial, new WeGraphics contributor, Jonathan Wong walks you through how to create a Spectrum Poster design using Adobe Photoshop. So pull up a chair ... Their music had all of the standard ingredients for a New Wave of British Heavy Metal band.
Blend Photos Like A Hollywood Movie Poster - Photoshop Tutorial Learn how to easily blend photos together in Photoshop to create a Hollywood movie poster effect, including how to match the colors in both images. ... Step 2: Resize And/Or Reposition The Images As Needed Now that I’ve dragged the beach photo into the ot
Photoshop CS6 活動海報設計開始繪製向量圖形- YouTube 2013年9月20日 - 9 分鐘 - 上傳者:Kk Hui Photoshop CS6 活動海報設計開始繪製向量圖形.
【PhotoShop CS5】輕鬆學海報設計-形象廣告(1/3) - YouTube 2013年6月26日 - 15 分鐘 - 上傳者:菜鳥救星 更多影片請至http://www.lccnet.tv。 [名師藏寶箱]各式各樣的活動或產品往往需要 能夠凸顯特色讓人印象深刻的海報來增加市場價值 ...
Photoshop 小技法: 快速複製套用電影海報、名畫、攝影作品色調 ... 2014年4月16日 ... 引言圖片-Photoshop 小技法: 快速複製套用電影海報、名畫、 每每看到攝影師們幫 照片重新調整的色調,總希望有一天自己能調得出來?又或是想 ...