American Psychological Association (APA) APA Style Continuing Education Convention Divisions Find a Psychologist Programs and Directorates PsycCareers Government Relations Scholarships, Grants & Awards Giving Opportunities Center for Psychology and Health ...
Psychology - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Psychology is an academic and applied discipline that involves the scientific study of mental functions and behaviors.[1][2] Psychology has the immediate goal of understanding individuals and groups by both establishing general principles and researching
Resource: Discovering Psychology: Updated Edition Highlighting major new developments in the field, this updated edition of Discovering Psychology offers high school and college students, and teachers of psychology at all levels, an overview of historic and current theories of human behavior. Stanford Un
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Journal of Personality and Social Psychology This journal publishes original papers in all areas of personality and social psychology. ... Prior to submission, please carefully read and follow the submission guidelines detailed below. Manuscripts that do not conform to the submission guidelines may
Qualitative Research in Education | Qualitative research in education, psychology and the social sci Qualitative research in education, psychology and the social sciences ... Here is the Call for Papers for the XIII Puerto Rican Congress on Research in Education, which will be celebrated at the University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras Campus, next March 11
Psychological Research on the Net - Hanover College Psychology Department : Psychology Department A listing of psychological research being conducted online. ... Table of Contents Cognition Consumer Psychology Cross-Cultural Cyber Psychology Developmental Educational Psychology Emotions Environmental
Psychology and Life Sixteenth Edition(John N.Boyd) - MBA智庫文檔 充值 登錄 註冊 首頁 文檔 百科 商學院 資訊 培訓 監測 網址 全部 DOC PDF PPT XLS 智庫文檔 > 綜合 > 心理學 您的評價: 加入到專題 收藏文檔 文件夾 新增文件夾 標簽 (多個標簽用逗號分隔) Psychology and Life Sixteenth Edition(John N.Boyd)
Timeline of psychology - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia This article is a general timeline of psychology. A more general description of the development of the subject of psychology can be found in the History of psychology article. Related information can be found in the Timeline of psychiatry article. A more