使用USB連接線連接個人電腦和PSP™ 可連接個人電腦和PSP™,再將檔案從個人電腦複製至Memory Stick™或主機記憶 體。要從PS3™複製檔案時亦可使用相同方法。 使用USB連接線,連接PSP™和個人 ...
Re: [請益] 電腦讀不到PSP - 看板PSP-PSV - 批踢踢實業坊 我試了四台電腦都還是一直沒有讀到我的PSP耶. ... 給我我有關掉PSP的USB充電但 連接電腦之後還是一直卡在「請稍候」 是傳輸線問題還是我的psp ...
Fixing my PSP broken memory card reader - YouTube This is a video response to: Solution to broken PSP memoty stick. ... This feature is not available right now. Please try again later.
How to Upgrade Your PSP Firmware (with Screenshots) How to Upgrade Your PSP Firmware. Your PSP firmware controls your system settings, and new versions get released to add features and fix errors and security problems. There are several ways that you can update the firmware on your PSP. If...
Sony PSP | Playstation Portable : Sony Malaysia Sony PSP packs a powerful punch with its compact and stylish design, offering a whole lot of mobile fun with its music, video and gaming abilities. ... It’s a new age of mobile digital entertainment with the arrival of the PSP® (PlayStation®Portable). Wit
Memory Stick to Memory Stick Pro Duo PSP Adapter - YouTube I was bored and had some extra stuff I scrapped so I made this LOL. It works great but not for M2 adapter cards I don't know why. Made form a old 32mb stick and a adapter from a old card reader also some IDE wiring.
How to Fix a PSP Memory Card | eHow Sony's Playstation Portable is notorious for having problems with memory cards. Your PSP may say that it cannot read your memory stick even if you can see the files on a PC ...
關於PSP讀卡機的問題- Yahoo!奇摩知識+ 因為我的PSP跟讀卡機都是別人送的可是我不小心把讀卡機弄丟了!!PSP的記憶卡是 黑色的上面印有EAGLE跟老鷹的圖案的記憶卡請問這種PSP的記憶卡要買哪種讀 ...
PSP - PSP 直接當成讀卡機所需要的USB 線是哪種呢? - 遊戲討論區- Mobile01 請問手邊有PSP的人....如何把PSP 直接當成MS-Duo 讀卡機?我知道可以接USB線...
PSP传数据用USB线好还是读卡器好?思想斗争啊!!!究竟用US ... 个人感觉还是数据线比较好吧```毕竟要用读卡器的时候要把卡从机子里拿出来,再插 到读卡器上,用完后还要再拔出插回小P``这样对卡损耗大```我以前也 ...