PSP-Hacks: Hack your PlayStation Portable On PSP-Hacks you will find the latest breaking news on the Sony PSP. You can find the latest PSP homebrew releases as well as updates from PSP developers and information on PSP hacks. Be sure to keep yourself up to date on everything related to the Sony P
Psp[破解教學]iso_tools 1.974(普米修斯工具下載04/21更新 @ 楓葉小嘉 :: 痞客邦 PIXNET :: ISO TOOL通用教程(適用於PSP 自製系統) PS:以下教程以1.965版為例,使用方法都是通用的。 軟件安裝: 將下載的文件解壓,然後將解壓得到的「PSP」文件夾拷貝至PSP記憶棒更目錄下覆蓋即可(覆蓋不會改變文件夾內的原文件 ...
The Dashhacks Network | News for Sony PS3, PS4, PSP, Apple iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, Xbox 360 provides you with daily breaking gaming news. You will find information, reviews, interviews, downloads, homebrew and much more as they relate to your favorite gaming consoles and developers. Find news and updates for the Sony PS3, PS4, PSP,
ISO破解工具ISO TOOL全集(更新1.978版) _PSP掌機站_PSP.DUOWAN.COM ebt_exchange是日本程序員 きまぐれ 開發的一款支持在 PSP上直接破解 PSP遊戲 ISO ...
Psp[破解教學]iso_tools 1.974(普米修斯工具下載04/21更新 ... 之前iso-tools工具下載是彙整以及更新都會在[點這],但因為後期的版本使用上已經 變得有點不同,所以重新透過本篇來做區 ...
PSP ISO TOOL更新列表附通用教程 - 電玩公車 PS:以下教程以1.965版為例,使用方法都是通用的,日語版教程參見下一頁。 軟體安裝: 將下載的文件解壓,然後將解壓得到的“PSP”文件夾拷貝至PSP記憶棒更目錄下覆蓋即可(覆蓋不會改變文件夾內的原文件)。 這裡需要
PSP ISO Download Game PSP - NicoBlog: Download Games ROMs ISOs for Free PSP ISO download game psp games iso cso rom all psp games download. The latest PSP games DLC themes English patched ISOs free. ... Alphabetically: By Genre By Region: By Year: Categories: Tomoyo After: It’s a Wonderful Life – CS Edition (Japan) PSP ...
Prometheus ISO loader game compatibility list | Atma Xplorer Compatibility list for Prometheus ISO loader for 6.20 TN-A, 6.20 TN-B, 6.35 Hen, 6.31 Hen, 6.20 TN-C ... Here’s some updates for you. Bleach Heat The Soul 6 Works as CSO Final Fantasy 2 (20th Anniversary Edition) Works as a CSO Sonic Rivals does work as .
ISO Tool Usage Guide | PSP ISO - Final Fantasy Insider - Your Guide to all Final Fantasy Games ISO Tool Usage Guide ISO Tool is a useful that allows you to patch your untouched PSP Game. Once the game is patched, you will be able to play it on pretty much every CFW out there. This page will give you a step-to-step guide to follow to get your ISO pa
Install 6.31 Hen + Prometheus ISO loader on your PSP | Atma Xplorer PSP owners with 6.31 OFW can now have cfw installed courtesy of the 6.31 Hen, 6.31 hbl by wololo and the Prometheus ISO loader. Note that if you're on 6.20