PS3ISO The place for all of your PS3 needs. ... Thank you for December donations For those if you who wish to support this project beyond being a standard user, you can make a donation to PS3ISO by using the Donations Button below.
PS3 Archives - CONSOLEDEMON.COM Lots of update for Cobra ODE users this week as they hit v2.2. Along with the updates they announce Cobra DMC which allows bypassing of OFW on older PS3 models. We are happy to release the 2.2 update for all Cobra versions including the 5.1B and 5.3A ...
PS3 / PS4 - [請益]PS3可播放藍光的ISO檔嗎? - 遊戲討論區- Mobile01 而且要轉畫面播放到液晶電視上畫質又會差了點所以有想用PS3播看看藍光 ... 有版 友有辦法用外接的硬碟USB存藍光ISO檔後再以PS3播放該影片?
[教程]PS3直接播放蓝光原盘文件的解决方案:内置/外置/BDMV文件夹/ISO播 ... 注意:本帖讨论的是PS3直接播放蓝光原盘(包括菜单、花絮等)文件的可能性和 ... 网络播放是最方便的了,ps3网络挂载电脑上下载好的iso文件,直接 ...
How to Play an ISO on a PS3 | eHow The PlayStation 3 (PS3) is an entertainment console that is meant to be integrated into your existing home theater arrangement. The console is capable of playing video games ...
Ps3 Iso Player - 相關圖片搜尋結果
How to Play a Blu-Ray ISO From a PS3 USB | eHow The PlayStation 3 gaming console comes with a slew of functionality above and beyond that of a traditional game system. One feature involves the ability to watch video files ...
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How to play PS3 ISO (or BD-R) backups! - YouTube is site where you find and learn how to burn and copy your games with Easy backup Wizard. In addition to copying games you already own, it allows you to copy downloaded games, movies, music, tv shows, and more.