原型兵器2 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书 《原型兵器2》(Prototype 2)是Radical Entertainment公司製作的一款沙盒型科幻 自由動作冒險遊戲。遊戲在2012年4月24日 ...
原型兵器- 維基百科,自由的百科全書 - Wikipedia 此時克倫·帕克發現了此亞歷克斯其實並不是真正的亞歷克斯而是生化病毒武器- 原形體(Prototype),克倫· ...
Prototype 2 - Prototype Wiki - Wikia Prototype 2 (stylized as [PROTOTYPE2]) is an open-world action game published by Activision and developed by ...
James Heller - Prototype Wiki - Wikia It freed me. It killed me." This article contains spoilers and plot details from Prototype 2. Read the article at your own risk.
Prototype 2 Powers - Prototype Wiki - Wikia Pages in category "Prototype 2 Powers". The following 19 pages are in this category, out of 19 total.
Tendrils - Prototype Wiki - Everything about Prototype, Prototype 2 ... The Tendrils are an ability unique to James Heller, replacing the Musclemass ability developed...
Prototype 2 Characters - Prototype Wiki - Wikia Pages in category "Prototype 2 Characters". The following 19 pages are in this category, out of 19 total.
Manhattan Island - Prototype Wiki - Wikia Manhattan Island is one of five boroughs of New York City. A relatively safe city that was ravaged by two viral outbreaks ...
Prototype 2 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Prototype 2 (stylized as [PROTOTYPE2]) is an action-adventure open world video game, released for consoles on April ...
【PC】原型兵器2 - 巴哈姆特 《原型兵器2(原Prototype2)》由Radical開發、Activision發行,遊戲故事再次發生在 突變怪物出現的紐約市,玩家將扮演新...