慧眾生物科技有限公司 DNA & Protein Markers Cloning .Transformation DNA/RNA Purification Restriction enzymes PCR & RT-PCR qPCR & qRT-PCR Buffers for Biotech Microbial Media Tools for proteomics Taged protein expression Secondary Antibody cytokines and Relateds
Protein Marker, Protein Ladder, Prestained Protein Molecular Weight Standard ProteinMarker.com offers prestained and unstained protein markers to researchers in the fields of molecular biology, immunology, genomics, and proteomics. ... Quick Product Search Links: NexusView 10kDa Dual Color Protein Marker, NexusView 20kDa Dual ...
index_product_ Protein marker 高濃度 蛋白質標準液 BIOLADDER ® High-Conc.Unstained Protein marker 標準型 蛋白質標準液 BIOLADDER ® Standard Unstained Protein marker 雙色預染蛋白質標準液 BIOLADDER ® Dual Color Prestained Protein marker
Protein Marker - 相關圖片搜尋結果
Protein Marker Prestained Protein marker, Middle Range Cat. No.:PT-PS01 Size:1 vial, 500 μ l per vial Covalently coupled to a blue dye that resolves to 7 bands when electrophoresed This standard provides a quick way to assess the quality of an electrophoretic transfer a
Prestained Protein Marker Prestained Protein Marker 嚴選的Prestained Protein Marker (cat. no. L080) 包含5 種不同大 小的蛋白質條帶。除了可以在蛋白質電泳 (SDS-PAGE) 中當分子量標準之外,進行 西方墨點分析 (Western Blot) 時,小米的Prestained Protein Marker 也可讓妳在
Protein Ladder - Genedirex BlueAQUA Prestained Protein Ladder • 3 μl or 5 μl per loading for clear visualization during electrophoresis on 15-well or 10-well mini-gel, respectively. • 1.5~2.5 μl per well for general Western transferring. • Apply more for thicker (> 1.5 mm) or large
產品介紹:蛋白質分子量標準液 (Protein Markers) Unstained protein markers,可藉由 Coomassie Brilliant Blue、Silver Stain、Deep Purple Total Protein Stain ... LMW: A 3-µl aliquot of a two-fold dilution of LMW Marker Kit was separated on a 15% T, 2.7% C polyacrylamide gel. HMW-SDS: A 10-µl aliquot of a ...
index_product_ 高濃度 蛋白質標準液 BIOLADDER ® High-Conc.Unstained Protein marker 12 % 的 SDS – PAEG 加入 2 ul 蛋白質標準液的染色照片。 BL10 01 BIOLADDER ® high-conc. unstained protein marker 是一種應用在 SDS-PAGE 上理想的 marker,具有高品質且低 ...
進階生技提供藥品、醫材、健食臨床前試驗,代理細胞培養、免疫、分生、生醫影像儀器等產品。 -- 分子生物 ... 【為何Prestain protein marker size 與預期的大小不同?】 Q.Origene Full-length cDNA常見問題 【相同的基因有TrueClone 與TrueORF Clone兩種選擇,此兩種系列的產品主要差異?】 Q.TurboFect常見問題 ...