詠鑽經典婚戒 頂級珠寶秋冬新款 重現美好年代 彩寶呈現普普風、花園風與動物風,展現精巧工藝的典雅與大器。(工商時報 2009/09/19 )...2009-09-26 物以稀為貴 貴婦偏愛粉紅鑽(工商時報 2009/09/24 )...2009-09-26 投資鑽石 現在是進場好時機 市場交易熱絡,再跌不易;保值型 ...
喬鼎資訊 PROMISE Technology PROMISE TECHNOLOGY, INC. - PROMISE Technology develops high-performance RAID storage solutions, including VTrak for the data center and media and entertainment markets, Vess for surveillance storage, and the Thunderbolt enabled Pegasus for the rich ...
promise 的中文翻譯 | 英漢字典 - 英漢字典 (English-Chinese Dictionary) promise 允諾;允諾的東西,約定的事項(vt.)允諾,答應;給人以…的指望,有…的可能 ... Enter chinese/english word(s), Taiwan address or math. expression :
下載中心 PROMISE TECHNOLOGY, INC. - PROMISE Technology develops high-performance RAID storage solutions, including VTrak for the data center and media and entertainment markets, Vess for surveillance storage, and the Thunderbolt enabled Pegasus for the rich ...
Promise - 影片搜尋
FPG-Flow 流程管理系統 系 統 登 入 用戶帳號: 用戶密碼: Domain : 語系: 自動登入 儲存我的用戶帳號 目前連線數: 30 © 2009 台 ...
Promise - 相關圖片搜尋結果
香港新浪網 - 字典 - promise be promised to(指女方)與...訂婚, 被許配給... break [go back] one's [a] promise 違背諾言, 違約 give [afford, show] promise 有希望, 有前途 I promise you.我敢肯定; 說句老實話; 我警告你。 keep [redeem] one's [a] promise 遵守諾言, 守約
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Promise eRMA Center :: E-mail ID : Password : Forgot Password Type what you see in the below box : 4780 PROMISE will not provide any service and void the warranty if the following has been found on the return ...