程式設計俱樂部 v7.0 程式設計大型綜合論壇.NET, C#, C++, VC++, Visual Basic, Delphi, SQL Server, Silverlight 程式設計愛好者的天堂.
Scratch - Imagine, Program, Share Tile-based visual programming environment and toolkit, lets kids make games, animated stories, interactive art, and share with others on the Net. In the tradition of Logo, Lego/Logo, but using new computational ideas so it is easier to start programming.
程式設計俱樂部v7.0 程式設計俱樂部(Programmer Club) 是一個由程式設計師/ 系統分析師/ 資訊專業人員組成的社群網站。 您希望能與位系統開發人員在線上交流彼此的問題和經驗、 ...
程式設計俱樂部(Programmer Club) | Facebook 程式設計俱樂部(Programmer Club) 是一個由程式設計師/ 系統分析師/ 資訊專業人員組成的中文社群網站。 目前有100個各類IT技術討論區, 近20萬名 ...
程式設計俱樂部(Programmer Club) | Facebook 4093 likes · 14 talking about this. 程式設計俱樂部(Programmer Club) 是一個由程式設計師/ 系統分析師/ 資訊專業人員組成的中文社群網站。 目前有100個各類IT ...
請問如何用VBA刪除EXCEL SHEET中的整列資料? / Visual Basic 6.0/VBA / 程式設計俱樂部 2004/5/8 上午 02:39:22 請問各位先進 1.....請問如何用VBA "刪除" EXCEL SHEET中的整列資料? 2.....請問如何用VBA將EXCEL SHEET中的所有資料清空? 感恩~~~~~謝謝各位
Hacker (programmer subculture) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia A hacker is an adherent of the subculture that originally emerged in academia in the 1960s, around the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)'s Tech Model Railroad Club (TMRC)[1] and MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory.[2] A hacker is one who enjo
Curtis Model 1313 4401 Handheld Programmer PMC Controller Programming Diagnostic | eBay Model numbers (four access levels):1313-4401 OEM programmer. Latest Upgrade 1313K-4401. The Curtis 1313 handheld programmer is used to configure Curtis motor control systems. ... SPECIFICATIONS: Model: 1313-4401 Access level: OEM programmer
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Don't Call Yourself A Programmer, And Other Career Advice | Kalzumeus Software thanks for the great read! i am currently a developer (not programmer) at one of those mega-corps doing Big Freaking Java Web Application development, among other things. although you do make some points that seem very harsh (see above commenter for a ...