Win7 64位元 program files (x86) - Yahoo!奇摩知識+ 剛買一台筆電win7 64位元的發現C槽有 Program Files (x86)和 Program Files 我以為兩個是重複的 就把Program Files裡的東西 移到Program Files (x86) 有重複的都選更新日期較新的最後 還剩幾個沒法移走的就留在Program ...
Windows 7中沒有program files(x86).__主機板是技嘉GA-MA790GP-UD4H.__Windows 7家用進階版.32bit.__請前輩指點!__謝謝!!__ 致電貴公司服務中心. 叫我把這問題拿到論壇上請前輩指點. ... 上午安裝Windows 7有program files和program files(x86). 到晚上只有program files. 因為安裝在program files(x86)的軟體無法開啟.
win7 Program Files 問題 - Yahoo!奇摩知識+ 為什麼我C D朝裡面都有一個Program Files跟Program Files(x86) 我不知道差別再哪 有大大可以說嘛~ 感恩 ... 難道回答要花花綠綠多字才能稱得算最佳解答?! 我第一個回答的耶= = 他還亂加一堆不相干的文字...W7推銷文!!!
C:\\program files X86和C:\\program files .有什麼分別??? - 軟體討論 - 電腦領域 HKEPC Hardware - 全港 電腦領域 HKEPC Hardware C:\\program files X86和C:\\program files .有什麼分別???係咪一D唔SUPPORT 64BIT的SOFTWARE就裝在C:\\program files 內?裝在這個FOLDER係咪就 ...
Program Files (x86)? I have Windows 7 Ultimate and I'm on a 32bit OS ... there are some items that are the exact same installed on the regular program files as well as the x86 one. Can I delete the x86 folder? The items in there aren't even listed on my "Uninstall A Program"
為何WIN7 會有兩個Programe files?(其中一個是x86)可以取消其中一個嗎?謝謝解答! 在Program Files (x86)的資料夾裡面或是 Program Files 的資料夾 所以不建議你刪除這兩個資料夾 台灣微軟技術支援服務 Lissam Chang Microsoft Support 回覆 引述並回覆 檢舉不當使用 所有回覆 (1 ...
What for a folder is the Program Files (x86) Directory in Windows 8 or 8.1? The folder Program Files (x86) in Windows-8 and 8.1 (x64) is the Directory for 32 bit Programs and Program Files for 64 bit Programs Such as my program Q-Dir_x64. ! ... The folder Program Files (x86) in Windows-8 and 8.1 (x64) is the Directory for 32 bit
program files(x86)_愛問知識人 最佳答案 · 不能,這2個文件夾內都是安裝的程序文件,而且LZ你指的是C盤,通常這是系統所在盤,program files(x86)和program files下都是各種你安裝過的程序的文件 ...
Program files and Program files (x86)? - Yahoo Answers Best Answer: You really don't want to do that. 'Program Files' is for 64-bit applications, while 'Program Files (x86)' is for 32-bit applications. You're just asking for trouble by attempting to merge them. Edit: Don't put words in my mouth. I never said
Windows 7 “Backup and Restore” and alternative “Program Files (x86)” locations Hi John, I had read this. I find this really confusing (correct me if I am wrong): T:\Program Files (x86)\myprogram\ contains .EXE and .dll files. The backup contained the .dll files and NOT the .EXE files (I have checked the Backup). So NO pr