解釋下列名詞~1.PC(Program Counter) - Yahoo!奇摩知識+ 解釋下列名詞~1.PC(Program Counter)2.MAR(Memory Address Register)3.IR(Instruction Register)4.L1 Cache5.ROM6.RAM ... 1.PC(Program Counter): 程式指標 所謂『程式指標』的意義,就是『 CPU 下一步要執行的工作,便是 PC 內容所指的位址』。
Program counter - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The program counter (PC), commonly called the instruction pointer (IP) in Intel x86 and Itanium microprocessors, and sometimes called the instruction address register (IAR), the instruction counter, or just part of the ...
BCC-16 (in Chinese) 計算機概論十六講 BCC16VM -- Program Counter BCC16VM 面板上有一個名叫 PC 的暫存器, 它不是 Personal Computer (個人電腦) 的意思, 它是 Program Counter (程式指標) 的意思。 PC 裡面可以寫 8-bit 資料,但是其實只有 0--15 是有意義的, 它就是指令段的位址。
Program Counter The program counter is all important in computers. It's the address that the computer is currently at. That's all well and good except the word has been eliminated now from the vocabulary of Basic programmers. IS there a way to get the PC of a task? There
程式計數模組 (Program Counter) - 陳鍾誠的網站 電腦 CPU 的執行中有一個關鍵的模組,通常是控制模組的一部分,這部分主要有兩個計數器,一個是程式位址計數器 (Program Counter, PC),另一個是時脈技術器 (Tick)。 在 CPU 的運作上,每個指令通常被分為幾個基本動作,這種基本動作有時被稱為微指令 ...
PROGRAM COUNTER PROGRAM COUNTER FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION The program counter, PC, is a special-purpose register that is used by the processor to hold the address of the next instruction to be executed. The PLA automatically updates the PC to point to the next ...
Program counter - edaboard.com program counter - Program counter (A, B) question? - pic assembly DIP switches/program counter - How to restore Program counter from Abort Handler - accessing program counter in 8051 - Negative Program Counter??!! - Program counter with13bit ... You can .
ARM Compiler toolchain Using the Assembler: Program Counter Program Counter The Program Counter (PC) is accessed as PC (or R15). It is incremented by the size of the instruction executed (which is always four bytes in ARM state). Branch instructions load the destination address into PC. You can also load the PC di
Program counter | Define Program counter at Dictionary.com program counter definition hardware (PC) A register in the central processing unit that contains the addresss of the next instruction to be executed. After each instruction is fetched, the PC is automatically incremented to point to the following instruct
What does program counter mean? - Definitions.net Definition of program counter in the Definitions.net dictionary. Meaning of program counter. What does program counter mean? Information and translations of program counter in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. ... Freebase