La historia de "El Pozolero" de Tepic y su progenitor - YouTube La historia de "El Pozolero" de Tepic y su progenitor.
Progenitor cell - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia A progenitor cell is a biological cell that, like a stem cell, has a tendency to differentiate into a specific type of cell, but is already more specific than a stem cell ...
Progenitor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia A progenitor is a person or thing from which others are descended or originate. For example, it is used to refer to the ancestor who started the line of a noble ...
Progenitor - Merriam-Webster Online someone who first thinks of or does something : a person who begins something. : something that is a model for something else : something that begins the ...
progenitor 的中文翻譯| 英漢字典 progenitor /prodʒ'ɛnɪtɚ/ 共發現6 筆關於[progenitor] 的資料(解釋內文之英文單字 均可再點入查詢) 資料來源(1): pydict data [pydict] progenitor 祖先,先輩,原著資料 ...
Progenitor | Define Progenitor at a person or thing that first indicates a direction, originates something, or serves as a model; predecessor; precursor: the progenitor of modern painting. Origin
What are Progenitor Cells? | Boston Children's Hospital Often confused with adult stem cells, progenitor cells are early descendants of stem cells that can differentiate to form one or more kinds of cells, but cannot ...
progenitor - definition of progenitor by The Free Dictionary Definition of progenitor in the Online Dictionary. Meaning of progenitor. Pronunciation of progenitor. Translations of progenitor. progenitor synonyms, progenitor ...
progenitor - Dictionary Definition : While any ancestor can be a progenitor, or previous member of a family line, the word is usually applied to someone who was an originator of or major ...
progenitor - Wiktionary From Middle English, from Middle French progeniteur (Modern French progéniteur), from Latin progenitor, from progenitus, perfect participle of progignere (“to ...