Definition of Transfer Pricing | eHow - eHow | How to - Discover the expert in you! Transfer pricing is an accounting method used by companies with production facilities in various locations or countries. It means setting the price for semi-finished goods ...
Value-Based Pricing Definition | Investopedia DEFINITION of 'Value-Based Pricing' The setting of a product or service's price, based on the benefits it provides to consumers. By contrast, cost-plus pricing is based on the amount of money it takes to produce the product. Companies that offer unique or
What is pricing? definition and meaning - Definition of pricing: Method adopted by a firm to set its selling price. It usually depends on the firm's average costs, and on the customer's perceived value of the ...
What is prestige pricing? definition and meaning Definition of prestige pricing: Marketing strategy where prices are set higher than normal because lower prices will hurt instead of helping sales, such as for ...
What is product line pricing? definition and meaning Definition of product line pricing: The process used by retailers of separating goods into cost categories in order to create various quality levels in the minds of ...
What is dynamic pricing? definition and meaning Definition of dynamic pricing: The process of determining a product's value in commercial transactions in a fluid manner depending on current market conditions.
What is psychological pricing? definition and meaning Definition of psychological pricing: Setting prices according to the psychographics of the aimed-at market segment.
What is market penetration pricing? definition and meaning Definition of market penetration pricing: A strategy adopted for quickly achieving a high volume of sales and deep market penetration of a new product.
Pricing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Pricing is the process of determining what a company will receive in exchange for its product or service. Pricing factors are manufacturing cost, market place, ...
pricing - definition of pricing by The Free Dictionary American operatic soprano who performed with the New York Metropolitan Opera (1961-1985), earning greatest praise for her roles in Verdi's operas.