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Pri master hard disk smart status bad backup and replace press f1 ... This is my problem pls solve me.This my mother broad ecs g31t-m7 at first display message pri master hard disk smart status bad backup and ...
Receiving S.M.A.R.T. status bad backup and replace error. The S.M.A.R.T. system is a utility that monitors the "health" of the hard drive and reports ... that the Pri Master or Primary Master hard drive is the drive that is bad.
S.M.A.R.T. Command Failed - Hardware Analysis S.M.A.R.T. Capable but Command Failed ... Pri Master Hard Disk: S.M.A.R.T. Command Failed
HowTo: Find Out Hard Disk Specs / Details on Linux smartctl Command The smartctl command act as a control and monitor Utility for SMART disks under Linux and Unix like operating systems. Type the following command to get information about /dev/sda (SATA disk): # smartctl -d ata -a -i /dev/sda Sample outpu
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Anti-Yaoi & Anti-Fangirls, for the Glory of the Empire So this Halloween I watched this really awesome vampire anime called "Shiki," and I loved it. So I did a bit more poking around, looking up pictures and fanposts about some of my favorite characters.....and I found yaoi. Or at least, slash. Between the sh
Rogue Squadron - Wookieepedia, the Star Wars Wiki [Source] Rogue Squadron, originally dubbed Rogue Flight, and also known as the Rogues, was an... ... Red Squadron flies into the Battle of Yavin. In the year 0 BBY, [8] the Rebel Alliance cobbled together an ad hoc starfighter squadron composed of rebel p