Postfix - Relay access denied - iT邦幫忙::IT知識分享社群 翻了一下 Log 檔 發現 relay access denied 的狀況有兩種 第一種: Transcript of session follows. Out: 220 轉信主機.敝公司網域 ESMTP Postfix In: HELO ...
postfix relay access denied | 阿喵就像家 例如reject: RCPT from localhost.localdomain…: 554 5.7.1 … relay access denied , 這就是主要拒絕的原因,再拿去google 就可以找到解法了。 例如這個情況是RELAY沒設好,參照這頁 ...
鳥哥的 Linux 私房菜 -- Mail Server -- Postfix 2004/04/07:修訂了新版的 Postfix 與 Open Relay 的搭配語法,請 點這裡 參考新的資訊!同時也修改了顯示的格式,如同首頁的說明喔! 2004/06/22:如果您在使用 postfix + Cyrus-SASL 2.xx 版本時, 卻怎麼也無法進行郵件認證成功時, 建議您將三個套件移除 ...
Postfix的Relay Control - 高見龍 Postfix的Relay控制,是在/etc/postfix/main.cf裡面做設定,主要有四個部份: inet_interfaces mynetworks_style mynetworks relay_domains inet_interfaces: 預設值是all,如果你的 ...
Postfix SMTP relay and access control - The Postfix Home Page ... making Postfix an open relay for all such hosts. With Postfix before version 2.10 you should place non-recipient restrictions AFTER the reject_unauth_destination restriction, not before. In the above example, the HELO based restrictions should be plac
postfix設定 @ 工作雜記 :: 隨意窩 Xuite日誌 localhost, www.vbird.tsai, ftp.vbird.tsai mynetworks =,, hash:/etc/postfix/access relay_domains = $mydestination # 其他的設定值就先保留預設值即可啊! [root@linux ~]# postmap hash:/etc/postfix/access [root@ ...
Set Up Postfix For Relaying Emails Through Another Mailserver | HowtoForge - Linux Howtos and Tutori Set Up Postfix For Relaying Emails Through Another Mailserver Version 1.0 Author: Falko Timme Last edited 01/10/2007 This short guide shows how you can set up Postfix to relay emails through another mailserver. This can be ...
Postfix relay using Gmail on CentOS | TecloTech IT Tips & Tricks [...] [...] Reply Omar says: 31 August, 2013 at 12:00 am Didn’t work for me on CentOS 6.4. “530
Smart Host setup with SMTP Authentication on Postfix This document describes 5 easy steps to setup your Postfix email server as smart host to relay on DNS Exit mail relay server for all email sendings. ... The mail relay service from can be found here 1. Create password maps file (it assigns use
Postfix: Configuring Gmail as Relay - matthew hawthorne is Postfix: Configuring Gmail as Relay I recently had to re-provision a VM which I use to run a bunch of cron jobs and email me reports. I use Ubuntu as my OS, Postfix as my mail server, and Gmail for my email account.. The details to make this happen can be