please kindly note_例句_翻譯_在線翻譯_短句翻譯_句子翻譯_金山詞霸_愛詞霸句庫 愛詞霸英語句庫為廣大英語學習愛好者提供please kindly note的例句、please kindly note的翻譯、please kindly note的例句翻譯、please kindly note的短句翻譯、please kindly note的句子翻譯、please kindly note的整句翻譯。
Please kindly note that I'm bombarded with email right now - SEBASTIAN MARSHALL Please kindly note that I'm bombarded with email right now Sebastian 3 years ago One reply I've set "clear email out" as a daily to-do objective every day for the last week, but haven't been able to do it. I'll spend a few hours answering and cutting down
Plase Kindly note that 是甚麼意思? - Yahoo!知識+ It should be "Please kindly notice that" 當你需要通知對方一些東西時用 ,加"Please kindly" 只是比較禮貌。一般都只是 ...
Please kindly note that. - WordReference Forums I have known that normally people say "Please kindly note that we do not take custom order for 2 items". To put "Please kindly note that." alone I ...
please vs. kindly - WordReference Forums Please note that our fees are not included in the quote. Kindly note that our fees are not included in the quote. Further, would you say "Please ...
Please kindly note是什么意思_Please kindly note在线翻译_英语_ ... Please kindly note that vendor must go through random sampling procedure before submitting samples for retest under your client.需要注意的是,提交复验的 ...
Email 問題(please及please kindly)(頁1) - 上班一族- 香港討論區(純文 ... 之後有同事收到email就話:「你咁夠膽既,用please note that ,應該用please kindly note that...」,咁先夠禮貌。我同佢講以前老師教please 及kindly ...
百度知道搜索_kindly be noted和be kindly noted哪个对的? 182条结果 ... 答:商业信函用语,意思是:请注意,如:please kindly noted the date of ... note 的英 英解释是observe,notice,也就是注意,所以it will be noted that应该是“ ...
Please kindly note。请问这句话的kindly是什么意思呢?还有这个note ... 2011年6月28日 ... 还有这个note不是注的答案是:这句话是说请注意. 亲切地;温和 ... Please kindly note that the goods you ordered has been delivered. 敬请留意, 你 ...
kindly note that - 英语单词大全 - 911查询 Further to strike of Lufthansa, kindly note that there is no special news or updates. 汉莎进一步的罢工,现在还没更确切的消息。 3. Please kindly note that we will ...