【PS溶图】Photoshop设计震撼效果的电影海报 2014年3月27日 - 【PS溶图】Photoshop设计震撼效果的电影海报. ... 来自:竹韵清音 > 【ps溶图】. 配色:, 字号:大中小. 【PS溶图】Photoshop设计震撼效果的电影海报 ...
第一次做好萊塢電影海報就上手!(誤) - 台灣PHOTOSHOP ... 有時候你一定會跟大人物一樣,猛然看到某部電影海報時,總會有種似曾相似的既視感(dejavu),這絕對不是你做夢夢過,也不是阿嬤觀落陰有觀到,而是冥冥之中, ...
Photoshop制作一幅科幻电影海报|技巧|原创/自译教程|默设 ... 在这篇Photoshop教程中作者将为大家介绍如何制作一幅科幻的电影海报的方法。教程中运用了Photoshop的钢笔工具、混合模式和纹理特效。此外作者为大家介绍了 ...
Movie Poster Credit Template for Photoshop - Eric Renno | TipSquirrel This template has the most common elements already typed out for your movie poster. Please give to the creators of this brilliant font. ... January 27, 2015 in Tutorial // Searching and Filtering Tricks in Lightroom 5 January 26, 2015 in Tutorial // Photo
101 Photoshop Movie Poster Tutorials | FilmmakerIQ.com These are great tutorials for photoshop. I would also check out this page for more photoshop tutorials and training classes http://www.ascendtraining.com/workshops/adobe-photoshop-training.php Log in to Reply
Create an Intense Movie Poster in Photoshop - Tuts+ Design & Illustration Tutorial Designers love to be critical about movie posters, and while you may think you have better ideas about how to sell a movie to an audience, how many times have you actually tried doing it? In this tutorial, we're going to create a poster for a fictional mo
Add Your Face to Movie Poster | - Photoshop Star You can find a lot of tutorials how to paste another face to the picture. Here I†m planning to show you my own way how to do this step by step and explain how to process every small detail in this design. You will look as a real real star! Let†s start
20 Brilliant Photoshop Film Movie Poster Tutorials Movie Poster are very important aspect when promoting a film, you’ll find some of the Best Adobe Photoshop Movie Poster Tutorials For Designing Movie Posters Art make your ...
Photoshop Movie Poster Tutorials - Video Tutorials & Training Movie Poster Tutorials If you love movies, you'll love this sections! In the training videos below, you will learn to re-create some of the most popular movie posters. Jurassic World Movie Poster In Photoshop In this tutorial I’ll show you how you can rec