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PCMCIA轉接卡(讀卡機,相機、攝影與周邊) - Yahoo!奇摩拍賣 PCMCIA轉接卡:讀卡機,相機、攝影與周邊,盡在Yahoo!奇摩拍賣.
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USB to PCMCIA SRAM / ATA Flash card reader - CNC Specialty Store Need a SRAM cards reader, writer? This Omnidrive USB to PCMCIA SRAM card reader will provide you with the hardware to backup your CNC machinery and controls. OMNIDriveUSB2 can use SRAM cards to back up system memory of machines with just a few ...
USB 2.0 6-in-1 Card Reader for PCMCIA ATA Flash Memory & Hard Disk Drive PC Card, CompactFlash, Smar UISDMA2W This high speed USB 2.0 + USB 1.1 flash memory card drive works with Microsoft Windows 98/98SE/2000/ME/XP, Mac OS 8.6 or later versions, and Linux (kernel code 2.4.0 or later versions). The device utilizes the USB 2.0 port of the host computer ..
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