眼鏡族的痛苦解脫 Panasonic VIERA 3D 電漿電視測試心得 - Mobile01 本站新聞 ... 的 3C 開始研究是否有完美實現 3D 裸視之可能性,而 Panasonic 選擇了一次推出旗艦級的電漿電視,搭配 3D 藍光 FullHD 播放器 DMP-BDT300GN,這下添翼的不是虎,而是 VIERA 的廣告形象那隻金錢豹了。
Panasonic SMART VIERA TV 正式登台!看電視更智慧 @ C Jay Tech Blog :: 痞客邦 PIXNET :: Panasonic 在台灣推出一系列的 SMART VIERA TV,包括有 10 個系列,總共有 15 種機型。 主要都有這五項特色:完美畫質、操作簡單、智慧網路、節能環保、時尚美型。
LED - Panasonic UK & Ireland 50" Smart VIERA LED TV - Cutting-edge Smart VIERA TV with superior picture quality (Energy Efficiency Class A+) - Available from Currys & PC World TX-L47DT65B ...
World Map | Internet Apps Navigator | VIERA | Plasma&LCD TV | Panasonic Global Presented here are a wide variety of apps that are available through Panasonic's “Internet Apps”, such as YouTube, Skype, USTREAM, Weather, etc. ... * Apps cannot be downloaded from this site. Please do so directly from the Market via your VIERA TV.
Plasma - Panasonic UK & Ireland Top-end plasma TV picture quality and the newest smart functions, with a side speaker system for uncompromising sound quality.(Energy Efficiency Class C) TX-P50GT60B A step-up line featuring top-end 3D picture quality with HEXA-Processing Engine, high ...
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VIERA | Plasma&LCD TV | Panasonic Global This is your gateway to the latest and most complete information on Panasonic VIERA LED and plasma TVs straight from the Head Office in Japan. Panasonic Smart VIERA TVs combine advanced Smart TV functions, such as Swipe & Share, with easy operation ...
Panasonic VIERA TV | Facebook Panasonic VIERA TV. 154,179 個讚好 · 719 人正在談論這個. VIERA official Facebook page run by Panasonic employees from Osaka, Japan. Panasonic develops a wide range of AV equipment, mainly digital TVs, Blu-ray/audio products, and digital imaging products.
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