Teamgroup - official website - Home 十銓科技股份有限公司於1988年創立於美國,後因記憶體產品研發製造及技術集中等全球化佈局考量,於1997年在台北成立營運中心,主要生產自有品牌Team記憶體模組(Memory Module)、各款記憶卡(Memory Card)、隨身碟(UFD)、固態硬碟(SSD)及行動硬碟 ...
Object Management Group (OMG) Welcome to the website of the Object Management Group. We are celebrating 25 years of setting the standard! The Object Management Group (OMG) is an international, OMG, open membership, not-for-profit technology standards consortium industry standards ...
The Open Group - Official Site The Open Group works towards enabling access to integrated information within and between enterprises, based on open standards and global interoperability. It is a vendor-neutral and technology-neutral consortium that works with customers, suppliers, cons
TeX - Official Site The North American (and international) TeX user group. Publishes TUGboat.
Particle Data Group Order Products: 2014 book, booklet & website now available. Download or Print: Book, Booklet, Website, Figures & more Previous Editions (& Errata) 1957-2013 Errata in current edition Figures in reviews Mirror Sites Physical Constants
The Collective Noun Page - OjoHaven 1 TR denotes Terry Ross, author of Group Names for Birds 2 CCW denotes Crane C. Walden, 3 MG denotes Matt Goers,, quoting from The Trivia Encyclopedia and Webster's New Dictionary and Thesaurus, Concise ...
W3C Math Working Group - World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Official page from the World Wide Web Consortium. Includes the MathML specification, links to related software, and other resources. - UCLA Department of Mathematics I am a Professor at the Department of Mathematics, UCLA. I work in a number of mathematical areas, but primarily in harmonic analysis, PDE, geometric combinatorics, arithmetic combinatorics, analytic number theory, compressed sensing, and algebraic ...
3i - Official Site 3i is a leading international investor focused on mid-market Private Equity, Infrastructure and Debt Management. ... Management of funds which invest in senior and mezzanine corporate debt in typically large and private companies in the UK, Europe and Nor
Scalable Vector Graphics - Official Site The SVG home page at the World Wide Web Consortium. Includes news, description, specification, and history.