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將光世代P880串接ASUS 520GC @ 瘋先生 :: 痞客邦 PIXNET :: 自從換了這台光世代無線AP「P880」就真的讓瘋先生很難過,沒想到穿牆能力非常差,沒幾公尺就掉到剩下一格,穿一面牆馬上變成微弱訊號一會就沒訊號 離比較遠點iphone5就 ...
※ 雜七雜八※: 中華電信ZyXEL P874 數據機韌體& 使用手冊... 2013年11月3日 ... ZyXEL P874 韌體 2013.10.04 版 ( 10月底收到的) 有需要的在去下載測試吧... 記得 更新前,請備份您的 ...
Zyxel P880 比 P874 較好 | xiaolabaDIY http://wp.me/ph3BR-Vg 中華電信的光世代的小烏龜 (Zyxel VDSL MODEM, 原來是 50M/10M, 外面沒得買的), 最近降價升速 (60M/15M) 後, 莫名其妙的連不上INTERNET, 重開關就好半天, 但是過一段時間又故態復萌, 所以要求換新機, 結果就好了.
Zyxel P880 比P874 較好| xiaolabaDIY 2013年7月24日 ... Zyxel P880 比P874 較好 ... P874很熱, 同樣的使用環境, P880 好多了, WIFI 的速度 也從G ... PPPoE 設定.
LG Optimus 4X HD P880 Support: Find Manuals & Warranty Info | LG Singapore Trouble shooting Guide ※ The phone software upgrade stopped before completion. 1. Don’t close the update tool, disconnect the cable and reconnect it. And check the USB Driver connection on your PC. After that, please restart the update. 2. Otherwise, plea
Install/Upgrade LG Optimus 4X HD P880 to V20a Android 4.1.2 Jelly Bean JB Leaked - Android Firmware This is a guide on how to manually upgrade the LG Optimus 4X HD P880 to Android 4.1.2 Jelly Bean beta released or leaked firmware V20a. LG has not yet rolling out the official 4.1.2 Jelly bean for Optimus 4X, and this leaked JB 4.1.2 build will at-least p
LG P880 Stock Rom / Firmware: Available for download in KDZ format Here is the list of LG P880 Stock Rom / Firmware comes in LG KDZ Format. LG P880 | V20A_00.kdz | STL/SING TEL(Singapore) All LG P880 Stock Rom / Firmware
How to Root LG Optimus 4X HD P880 on Any Firmware - Tutorial - Android Advices LG Optimus 4X HD P880 smartphone users will now be delighted to know that you can now root your smartphone so as to install the Jellybean 4.1.1 firmware in
Firmware Update Available: V10e for LGP895, V10H for LG P880, V30a for LG P990 Please visit this post to find the proper firmware for your LG P880 smart phone. LG P880 Stock Rom / Firmware: Available for download in KDZ format Good ... [Update] Please visit this post to find the proper firmware for your LG P880 smart phone. LG P880