一個人的簡單料理鮮蔬起司歐姆蛋捲 (第1頁) - 料理與食譜- Mobile01 大人小孩都愛的雞蛋料理,如果吃膩了水煮蛋和荷包蛋,那麼歐姆蛋會是你的不二選擇喔!除了軟棉的歐姆蛋,鮮蔬的甜脆再加上濃郁牽絲的起司, ...
數學「補考團」 49高中生LINE作弊- Android 台灣中文網- Powered by Discuz! 標題: 數學「補考團」 49高中生LINE作弊數學「補考團」 49高中生LINE作弊 2014年01 月26日07:15 北市內湖高中有家長投訴,在孩子的手機通訊 ...
[2013-0816更新]SAMSUNG Tab P1000 官方、CM、工具、root - SAMSUNG Tab ... 1.《工具》線刷工具Odin3 v3.04 點我下載《root》CF-root v3.3 [線刷、含CwM Recovery & superuser] 點我下載2.《官方ROM》samsung 官方台 ...
三星 Galaxy Tab P1000 4.1.2 ROM刷機包下載 三星 Galaxy Tab P1000 4.1.2 ROM刷機包手機版,手機三星 Galaxy Tab P1000 4.1.2 ROM刷機包,三星 Galaxy Tab P1000 4.1.2 ROM刷機包官網,三星 Galaxy Tab P1000 ROM,三星 Galaxy Tab P1000 刷機包,三星 Galaxy Tab P1000 4.1.2,
How to Install Jellybean 4.2.2 (cm10.1 HumberOS) on Galaxy Tab P1000 - YouTube http://www.humberos.com.br/2012/12/sg... http://forum.xda-developers.com/showt... To restock to GB please use the overcome kernel (use only GB-Stock-Safe-v5 and Overcome kernel v4.tar) http://forum.xda-developers.com/showt... NOTE : If you're using a GSM-
Update Galaxy Tab P1000 to Jelly Bean 4.2.2 with CM10.1 Custom ROM The Galaxy Tab P1000 users can now update their tablets to the latest version of the Android system, the Jelly Bean 4.2.2 system, as the CM10.1 custom ROM firmware has been made available for the mentioned device. And for learning how to flash the Android
[ROM][CM10][JB][4.1.2][SGT7][P1000/N/L][PDro… | Samsung Galaxy Tab | XDA Forums My CM10 build for the Samsung Galaxy Tab 7" P1000/N/L/ (CDMA? testers?). Based on the SGT7 repo (cdesai, sbradymobile and humberos). Here is cdesai's orig… ... What is your-- Tablet model: Radio (baseband): CM version: CM Download url: Gapps version: Did
Cafe TI – pra perder o sono. » Blog Archive » CM10.1 – Samsung Galaxy Tab 7″ (P1000 / N / L / CDMA) Eduardo Carvalho Says: Alroger, Instalei a nova rom do cdesai e apesar da informação que é uma unica versão para o p1000, p1000l e p1000n, ela só funcionou pra mim, que tenho o p1000l, quando eu copiei o boot_p1l.img que vem no .zip e instalei manualmente
Update Galaxy Tab GT-P1000 to CM10.1 Nightly Jelly Bean 4.2.2 Firmware After you select the same “Install zip from SD card“, you will be told to choose the Gapps Package. Once your Galaxy Tab GT-P1000 has the two zip files among its tools, you should wait for the screen of the gadget to show this: “install from sd card compl
Update CM10.1 Nightly Android 4.2.2 Custom ROM on Galaxy Tab 7 P1000- Installation Tutorial Samsung Galaxy Tab 7 GT-P1000 can now be updated with the latest Android 4.2.2 CM10.1 Nightly Build Custom ROM. The CyanogenMod Team recently released the CM10.1 Nightly Build custom firmware which is based on the latest Android 4.2.2 Jelly Bean ...