疑問 - 請問關於CPU OVER Temperature Error問題 - 史萊姆論壇 「 CPU OVER TEMPERATURE ERROR!」按F1 才能進入。 ...
CPU over temperature error but fan still working - Temperature - CPUs So i've just completed the build of my first rig but upon booting i get the cpu over temperature error. ...
Getting CPU over temp Error on start... but cpu is running cool ... 2012年2月19日 - Getting CPU over temp Error on start... but cpu is running cool. .... low.. the Fan speeds of the case which are controlled through mobo all tell me ...
疑問- 請問關於CPU OVER Temperature Error問題- 史萊姆論壇 閱讀本主題的最佳解答-------------------- 各位大大好,小弟有個問題想請問一下: 年初因嫌原廠風扇太吵,有去更換過他牌風扇(其他硬體都正常),後來 ...
ASUSTeK Computer Inc.-Forum- cpu over temperature error 華碩 幣: 0 來自: TAIWAN, R.O.C. 發表於:2007/10/29 上午 10:10:00 # 1 我的電腦出了一點問題 開機的時候會出現 cpu over temperature error ...
CPU over temp error boot/bios [Solved] - BIOS - CPUs ... with fx 8350 vishera. now when i first booted it, it says CPU OVER TEMP ERROR, and when i check the temp in the. ... If it's still bad, Asus's newest BIOS would likely be the best idea.
cpu over temperature error幫我解決- Yahoo!奇摩知識+ Press F1 to Resume但多惹一行字CPU Over Temperture Error!←多這行字NO IDE HDD detected!Press F1 to Resume因為看過很多Error幾乎都是說損壞損毀的 ...
cpu over temperature error 求救- Yahoo!奇摩知識+ 2011年6月16日 - cpu over temperature error 這是最近電腦自動關機時常出現的字(之前4 ... 把主機打開看看是不是超多灰塵的主幾版上有個CPU風散看看是不是灰塵 ...
CPU over temperature error? - Tech Support Forum However, I noticed at the bottom of it it said "cpu over temperature error". I felt at the back where the warm air comes out, and it isn't hotter than ...
[心得] CPU over temperature error,更換CPU 風扇- 看板hardware - 批 ... 朋友的電腦本週重開機時出現了CPU over temperature error 進入BIOS 後發現CPU 的溫度到了攝氏87 度.