[C#] OpenCV 初體驗 - 小歐ou | 菜鳥自救會- 點部落 5.3 執行結果,請注意喔,以下顯示的是 Webcam 即時視訊,不是影像喔 6. 第二個範例,我們將上一個範例,加上灰階、Canny處理 讓大家了解 OpenCV 的強大,而這動作,只需要多拉兩個ImageBox在加上幾行程式就可以了喔,真是太讚了,難怪很多學生想 ...
葉正聖老師:教研究生學opencv [程式集訓] 今天上課是先用簡單的 cvRectangle 來示範 OpenCV 的命名風格及寫程式, 尤其是參數直接用 cvPoint(100,100) 之類的函數回傳值,而不是另外宣告變數當參數,對初學者學新函式並試用時,可以更專心、更快上手、更有成就感。
c++ - OpenCV webcam capture problem - Stack Overflow I've installed OpenCV 2.2 and now I can't get webcam capture to work. It worked ok in 2.1. OpenCV detects ...
Gray image from Webcam with Opencv C program but C++ ... 2015年3月12日 - If you are using OpenCV 3.0 You should not be using the C API. It is deprecated, either use an old version of OpenCV (if you need the C API) or just ...
Face Detection through a webcam in java - OpenCV Q&A Forum Hi, i'm trying to create an application, it will detect our face through a webcam, i'm referring to this tutorial and write it in java code. here is my code: import org.opencv.core.Core; import org.opencv.core.Mat; import org.opencv.core.MatOfRect; import
c++ - OpenCV webcam capture problem - Stack Overflow OpenCV detects a webcam, doesn't report any errors or warnings, but each frame is a gray image.
OpenCV More with cameras. | Damiles Hai Damiles, I’m new in openCV, i’ve tried to capture from camera in windows and linux using logitech webcam. But now, i am trying to capture video from CCD camera (firewire input), what i get is only grayscale video. I’v e searched and some said it becau
[RELEASED] OpenCV for Unity | Unity Community OpenCV for Unity http://u3d.as/content/enox-software/open-cv-for-unity [MEDIA] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] Requires Unity 4.5.5 or higher. [NEW] Support for... ... Only this asset is difficult, but it can be realized by combining with other asset. Where I've tested
c++ - entropy for a gray image in opencv - Stack Overflow Without knowing what image are you using, we cannot know if a zero entropy result is not the right answer (as suggested by @Xocoatzin). Besides, your code is quite messy. If you want to use OpenCV, at least solve the problem in OpenCV style! :) Here is a
Emgu CV: OpenCV in .NET (C#, VB, C++ and more) • View topic - barcode reader using webcam hi im a student who is doing the final year project... what im going to do is to make a barcode reader using webcam based on emgu cv.. but the problem is , i don't know how the barcode is detected , is it usig haarcascades? i've been trying to search it b