[韓/中歌詞]B.A.P - One Shot - pdkyul - 痞客邦PIXNET 2013年2月13日 ... [韓/中歌詞]B.A.P - One Shot ... hell yeh 네자신에게덤벼작아진널펼쳐봐just do it. hell yeh 撲向你自己試著 ...
Bap - One Shot Lyrics Lyrics taken from http://www.lyricsmode.com/lyrics/b/bap/one_shot.html Explanations new To explain lyrics, select line or word and click "Explain". Meanings Share Link: Embed: Email Translate Print Tweet Like Tweet +1 chris_albert92 Correct | Report Cance
[韓/中歌詞]B.A.P - One Shot @ HOYA INFINKYUL :: 痞客邦 PIXNET :: B.A.P, BAP, ONE, SHOT, 韓文, 中文, 歌詞, 翻譯, 韓翻, 中譯 kyul 發表在 痞客邦 PIXNET 留言(1) 引用(0) 人氣() E-mail轉寄 轉寄至留言板 全站分類:偶像明星 個人分類:K-Pop 歌詞翻譯 ...
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Bap - One Shot Lyrics Bap One Shot lyrics have amazing beat and vocals. Performed by Bap, One Shot lyrics will give you a musical euphoria... ... One shot, let me tell you something that you already know. You just get the rock to me. You na mean? Gihoeneun han beonppun eoduun
BAP_ONE SHOT_MV - YouTube BAP_ ONE SHOT_ MV Lau Nueve · 128 videos Subscribe Subscribed Unsubscribe 6 Subscription preferences Loading... Loading... Working... 395 views 0 0 Like Sign in to YouTube Sign in with your Google Account (YouTube, Google+...
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