當今地表最強WM手機Samsung OMNIA II i8000之動手玩 jojo0821 @ Aug 28th 2009 6:32AM 補充幾點: 1. 內建電子陀螺儀(就是指北針啦) 2. 手機出廠就附帶專用的導航軟體(目前台灣地圖,十月升級到兩岸三地地圖) 3. 能直接播 AVI 帶字幕與 RMVB (這點.....嘿嘿嘿) 4. 裡面有專用音效晶片 DNSe,音質好
SAMSUNG OMNIA II i8000手機介紹 - SOGI手機王 OMNIA II i8000 作業系統採用 Windows Mobile 6.1 Professional,能為智慧型手機提供更進階的多媒體功能。搭載全球最大 3.7 吋 65536 色 AMOLED 全光彩高階觸控式螢幕,解析度為 480x800。即使在強烈日光下,畫面也非常清晰,在大型圖示及簡易
Samsung i8000 Omnia 2介紹 - ePrice 比價王 三星在 2008 年的 WinMo 高階旗艦款 Omnia 震撼市場,一年後,三星在 2009 亞洲電信展中大舉推出 Omnia Family 軍團,領軍的就是 Omnia 的後繼款式 Omnia 2(型號為 i8000)。 Omnia 2 比起前一款 Omnia,在許多規格上更加進步,首先是螢幕由
Omnia Ii - 相關圖片搜尋結果
Samsung Omnia II i8000H 手機規格、價錢及介紹文章 - DCFever.com (1月20日)大光圈 600mm 長炮予人感覺一向是既重且貴,少一點體力,就算財力充足亦是難以負擔,看準大家對機動性的... (1月19日) 相信 DCFever 的讀者,大都是攝影發燒友,不論器材多少,技術高低,對於攝影都有著濃厚的興趣
OMNIA II - Manufacturer of electrical safety testers, hipot testers, ground bond testers and more - OMNIA II, our next generation of Electrical Safety Compliance Analyzers, was designed around the way you test. We understand that every testing application is unique and finding the right tester can be difficult. OMNIA II is a multi-function Electrical Sa
Samsung OMNIA II i8000 $22900 上市 - [哈燒王 Hot3c.com] Samsung OMNIA II i8000以創新友善的使用介面,讓智慧型手機變得容易上手,同時擁有3.7吋超大AMOLED螢幕、800MHz超高效能處理器與強悍影音規格,更提供前所未有的強大 ...
Omnia II | Windows Phone Central And speaking of the Omnia II, BLeavellB is shouting from the rooftops on Twitter that a Windows Mobile 6.5 update for phones already out there is ripe for the picking. To snag it, you'll need your Omnia II and Sammy's New PC Studio software. Plug in your
Samsung i8000 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Samsung Omnia II GT-I8000(H/L/U) is a multimedia smartphone announced at Samsung Unpacked on June 15, 2009. Earlier Omnia II releases runs Windows Mobile 6.1, however it's upgradable to version 6.5. There is also an ...