Olympus E-P2 Review | Sans Mirror — mirrorless, interchangeable lens cameras | Thom Hogan What is It? The E-P2 is a relatively minor update to the E-P1. I'm not going to repeat the discussion of what that camera is here (see my review of the E-P1), but rather point out the differences. There aren't many differences! The primary change Olympus
Photokina 2012: Olympus Stand Report: Digital Photography Review The most interesting news (for me) from Olympus is the new 15mm/8 lens. But no mention of it here? What gives? As a fixed-aperture manual-(2-step)-focus lens it should even work on Pany bodies (although the lack of in-body stabilisation might be a drawbac
The Olympus E-PL1 Digital Camera Review. The Best JPEG camera ever? | STEVE HUFF PHOTOS Today I am writing about and reviewing the nifty little Olympus E-PL1 digital camera. Currently my favorite small digital, the E-PL1 can provide amazingly ... Hi Steve, Really appreciate you making this comparison. Very helpful (I’m thinking of getting a
The Online Photographer: Olympus ZD 14-35mm and 35-100mm f/2 Zoom Lenses Wicked Fast. Wicked Sharp. But Is That Everything You Want in a Lens? By Kirk Tuck You’ve got to hand it to Olympus: they get the optics right. Very few people will disagree that, almost across the board, from kit...
The Visual Science Lab.: Olympus EPL2. Final Installment. Kirk's Definitive Opinion. Well. Let's start at the top and go thru this step by step. First of all, what is the EPL2? It's the latest distillation of what Olympus has learned from making this family of cameras. The camera is one of the family of Micro Four Thirds cameras which use
Comparative lens review: The Olympus M. Zuiko Digital 17/1.8 – Ming Thein | Photographer Advance note: Images in this review were shot with an Olympus OM-D and the ZD 17/1.8 unless marked otherwise. Please go by the commentary rather than the reduced crops; I am looking at uncompressed RAW files on a calibrated monitor, not a websize JPEG.
E-P2 > Software Downloads - Olympus America E-P2 firmware update version 1.2. This update adds support for the optional VF-3 electronic viewfinder.
Olympus Pen Firmware Update for E-P1, E-P2, & E-PL1 | explora If you own an Olympus Pen E-P1, E-P2, or E-PL1 it's firmware update time! Easily accessed and downloadable form ...
E-P2 Firmware Update 12 Jun 2013 ... This is an Olympus' support information page. The following will be revised by updating the firmware of ...
增強性能:Olympus 為E-P1、E-P2 及E-PL1 推出新Firmware ... 2010年4月26日 ... Olympus 剛為旗下的3 款Micro 4/3 相機E-P1、E-P2 及E-PL1 推出 ... 文章標籤: 相機消息, Firmware 更新.