有問必答…MODI 在哪裡? - Office IT Pro 部落格- Site Home ... 2012年2月13日 - 英文原文已於2011 年10 月25 日星期二發佈. 首先,您可能會想問:「什麼是MODI?」 MODI 為Microsoft Office Document Imaging 的簡寫,是 ...
Microsoft Office Document Imaging之無法安裝- Microsoft Community 2010年4月28日 ... 至Microsoft 下載Microsoft Office Document Imaging安裝時一直顯示您並未安裝 Microsoft Office ...
Microsoft Office Document Imaging 在office2010 中沒有,該如何解決? 因為我有使用文件辨識軟體,但是自從慣了office2010後就無法使用,爬一下文發現2010中已經將Microsoft Office Document Imaging移除了,是否 ...
[Office 2010]Microsoft Office Document Imaging (MODI) 替代 ... 2010年6月12日 - Office 2010 已移除了MODI,若先前有安裝 MODI 時,在安裝Office 2010 也會被自動移除。而從微軟在Office 2007 的策略來看,微軟已經打定主意 ...
SharePoint Designer 2007安裝Microsoft Office Document ... Microsoft Office Office 2010已經移除Microsoft Office Office 2003內建的Microsoft Office Document Imaging文字辨識的功能〈詳見:Office 2003文字辨識〉,雖然可以 ...
.mdi 檔案無法在2007 Office 程式內含的Microsoft Office ... 說明若未安裝Microsoft Office Document Imaging 程式,而又嘗試在Windows 檔案總管中開啟.mdi 檔案時發生的問題。目前已有解決方式。
Microsoft Office Document Imaging - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Microsoft Office Document Imaging (MODI) is a discontinued Microsoft Office application that supports editing documents scanned by Microsoft Office Document Scanning. It is first introduced in Microsoft Office XP and is included in Office 2003 and Office
Microsoft Document Imaging in Office 2010 - Microsoft Community Thanks for the tip about OneNote. I did download the beta just to test out the OCR capabilities of 2010, and found that from the same TIF, OneNote produced text that had twice as many spelling errors as the text OCRed by MS Office 2003 Digital Imaging uti
如何在office 2010中安装Microsoft Office Document Imaging_百度知道 2010年9月8日 - 现在没有这个组件可以安装,office2010里也没有这个组件,不过微软把这个功能放在了OneNote里了,找下,“插入--扫描仪打印输出”.
Microsoft Office Document Imaging - Gone from Office 2010 - Microsoft Community We have been using Microsoft Office Document Imaging (MODI) for years. We have 100s or thousands of multipage TIFF images marked up with notes and stored in our document ...