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中國電子頂級開髮網--電子工程師設計經驗和技術資料的分享平台 論壇 eetop 是一個綜合性的電子設計論壇及工程師blog,涉及IC設計,包括:FPGA、ASIC、微處理器、IC前端設計、IC後端設計、ANALOG/RF/RFID設計等;嵌入式設計包括ARM、MIPS、POWERPC、DSP、單片機設計等;熱門產品設計,包括:手機、GPS ...
•經歷 •專長 •得獎及榮譽 •著作及專利 •計畫 序號 計劃主題 (Project name) 姓 名 (name) 執行時間 (exec.time) 1 過度取樣 Sigma-Delta Modulator A/D 轉換器之 MATLAB 模擬分析與 VLSI 設計 鍾日龍 1997/07 to 1998/02 2 寬頻波束成型器於空間相關性衰減情況下之性能分析與模擬 I 林宏達
OFDM Trasnmitter and Receiver (Matlab Code) - File ... 2009年10月17日 - OFDM Code % Author: Ihsan Ullah, % Ms-55 Electrical, % College of EME, % NUST Pakistan % No.of Carriers: 64 % coding used: ...
OFDM Trasnmitter and Receiver (Matlab Code) - MathWorks OFDM Trasnmitter and Receiver (Matlab Code). by Ihsan Ullah. 17 Oct 2009. OFDM code with 16-QAM modulation. Can be easily Understood and modified.
通訊教改實驗講義 Lab 4 The Simulation of OFDM System over AWGN Channel and Wideband. Channel .... 以MATLAB 程式碼所撰寫的檔案通常以“ m ”為副檔名,所以這些檔案又.
OFDM Simulation Using Matlab - Georgia Institute of ... The purpose of this report is to provide Matlab. code to simulate the basic proc- essing involved in the generation and reception of an OFDM signal in a ...
[OFDM Sim4] MATLAB Code for fading channel - YouTube In this part I'm illustrating the code to describe the cyclic extension and inserting the effect of the rayleigh ...
OFDM technique and its simulation using MATLAB - YouTube Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) is a ... [OFDM Sim4] MATLAB Code for fading channel ...