幾個可以處理矩陣的計算機: octave/rlab/R 上面這個矩陣除法的語法看起來有點奇怪; 不過想想也有道理, 因為矩陣乘法不可交換, 所以除法有分左除右除。 如果 A * x = b, 那麼 x 不就應該是: b ----- A 如果你還是不習慣, 在 rlab 當中還可以這樣下: solve(A,b) Octave 的怪癖與特異功能 你自建的函式庫通常 ...
GNU Octave: 15.1 Plotting Basics - 帯広畜産大学 Octave makes it easy to create many different types of two- and three-dimensional plots using a few high-level functions. ... Plot a mesh and contour given matrices x, and y from meshgrid and a matrix z corresponding to the x and y coordinates of the mesh
GNU Octave: Two-Dimensional Plots Note that the last semicolon is required and Octave will generate an error if it is left ..... Plot level curves (contour lines) of the matrix z , using the contour matrix c ...
GNU Octave: 15.1 Plotting Basics Octave makes it easy to create many different types of two- and ..... The contour and contourc functions produce two-dimensional contour plots from three ...
GNU Octave: Two-Dimensional Plots - The GNU Operating System and the Free Software Movement This will plot the cosine and sine functions and label them accordingly in the legend. If the first argument hax is an axes handle, then plot into this axis, rather than the current axes returned by gca. The optional return value h is a vector of graphics
Function Reference: scatter - Octave-Forge - SourceForge Octave-Forge is a collection of packages providing extra functionality for ... A marker is plotted at each point defined by the coordinates in the vectors x and y .
Function Reference: scatter3 - Octave-Forge - SourceForge Octave-Forge is a collection of packages providing extra functionality for GNU ... A marker is plotted at each point defined by the coordinates in the vectors x , y ...
Function Reference: octave octave GNU Octave comes with a large set of general-prupose functions that are listed below. This is the core set of functions that is available without any packages installed. Select category: General citation Display instructions for citing GNU Octave o
octave - How can I set the window size of a plot window? - Stack Overflow Is it possible to set the window size / position of a plot window (figure)? plot(0:20, sin(0:20)) Or is there any other possibility to change the size of the print() command? print('aa ...
Introduction to GNU Octave - Welcome to Mathematics 4.3 Commands for 2D and 3D graphics title(string) writes string as title for the graphics. xlabel(string) labels the -axis with string. ylabel(string) labels the -axis with string. zlabel(string) labels the -axis with string. axis(v) set axes limits for t