Objective-C入門簡介 | iPhone Coding Notes 老實說,自學 Objective- C 不過半年,許多知識都是從網路上拼湊出來的,現在突然要弄個簡介,對我來說似乎困 ... 很快的,他實作了一個由 ...
GCC, the GNU Compiler Collection - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation (FSF) Developed by GNU project as free compiler for GNU system. Front ends: C, C++, Objective-C, Fortran, Java, Ada; libraries for libstdc++, and libgcj. Mission, mail lists, timeline, contributors, committee, instructions, manual, FAQ, downloads, plans, bug re
Objective-C - 維基百科,自由的百科全書 Objective-C 是一種通用、高階、物件導向的程式語言。它擴充功能了標準的 ANSI C 程式語言,將 Smalltalk 式的訊息傳遞機制加入到 ANSI C 中。它是蘋果的 OS X 和 iOS 作業系統,及其相關 API、Cocoa 和 Cocoa Touch(英語:Cocoa Touch) 的主要程式語言。 Objective-C 最初 ...
Objective C compiler for Windows? Could someone guide me on getting a decent compiler for Objective C on Windows. I have windows XP in... ...
Installing Objective-C Compiler - CodeBlocks Setup the Compiler Objective-C is a strict superset of C; the additional functionality is obtained by ...
Objective-C - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ... formed a new venture, Productivity Products International (PPI), to commercialize their product, ...
Objective-C Editor and IDE for Mac OS X, Windows, and Linux Objective-C Compiler and Program Executer On Mac OS X, EditRocket can compile and execute Objective-C ...
程式語言教學誌: Objective-C 入門指南 - 於 Xcode 設定編譯器及 Garbage Collection 這裡我們先看看 編譯器的設定,在 Xcode 的 File 選單點擊 Get Info 接著就會出現 Project "demo2" Info 視窗,這裡須切換到 Build ... 同樣在 ...
The GNU Objective-C compiler and runtime The GNU Objective-C compiler and runtime I was the maintainer of the Objective-C front-end and runtime ...
CodeBlocks集成Objective-C開發_IT客 轉自:1.首先安裝 Objective-C編譯器GNUstep Windows Installer提供了Windows平臺下的 Objective-C ...