objective c - Converting char array into NSString object ... 2012年2月18日 - char* name[100]; // declaring char array NSString* firstName; // declaring the NSString ... Browse other questions tagged objective-c c nsstring or ask your own question. ... Objective-C - Converting NSString to a C string.
iPhone Development 101: Split a String into an Array Objective-C ... Split a string into an array of strings by using NSString's ... If you need to separate a string into its individual characters, just loop through the length ...
objective c - convert nsstring into char array - Stack Overflow 2010年8月27日 - Use -[NSString UTF8String] : NSString *s = @"Some string"; const char *c = [s UTF8String];. You could also use -[NSString cStringUsingEncoding:] if ...
ios - Convert NSString to char array - Stack Overflow 2014年2月19日 - This question already has an answer here: convert nsstring into char ... You can use UTF8String . Eg: [myString UTF8String] . ... No, that is not the ...
objective c - string to char array - Stack Overflow 2011年10月17日 - NSString *s = @"hello this is 123."; const char *c = [s UTF8String];. You could also use -[NSString cStringUsingEncoding:] if your string is encoded with ...
Converting NSString to Char Array - Stack Overflow 2012年2月8日 - You can take the NSScaner approach: NSArray *myArray = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"0xAA", @"0xBB", @"0xCC", nil]; int size = [myArray count]; ...
objective c - Convert NSString to char str[] - Stack Overflow 2013年5月13日 - I am trying to convert NSString to char str[]. i have tried this NSString .... Linked. 0 · How to convert const char * into a char [] array in objective C ...
objective c - How to convert NSString to char[] array in object ... 2012年6月20日 - You can use [str cString] to get a char array of the same lenght of the String. If you just want the first 4 chars create a substring before with [str ...
iPhone: Convert NSString (unicode string) to char array and ... 2012年11月25日 - Because literals are objects, you can use [@"anh sẽ đến" UTF8String] to get it to a char array, and [NSString stringWithUTF8String:] for char to ...
Convert NSString to char array - Dev Shed Forums I have a very long String but want to convert it to a char array, something like unsigned char[4]. for example: NSString *str = "Thisisaverylongst.