Objective-C Internals André Pang - Reverse Engineering Mac OS X | Reverse Engineering and Securit Objective- C Internals André Pang Realmac Software 1 Nice license plate, eh? In this talk, we peek under ...
Objective-C: Convert id to NSInteger - Stack Overflow 行動版 - 2011年6月24日 - Objective-C: Convert id to NSInteger ... And it can not be a struct or primitive because id means it is an object (of unknown class) ... NSInteger questionId = [[ newQuestion ...
Int or NSInteger as object for method argument. Objective-C 行動版 - 2010年3月28日 - I'm having some trouble passing a number as an argument ... If you're just trying to call ...
objective c - Passing an int as "object" in NSNotification - Stack ... 行動版 - 2011年12月2日 - You're not casting to NSNumber ... you're creating a NSNumber object and setting the ...
casting - iOS: Converting id to int - Stack Overflow 行動版 - 2013年8月12日 - I have troubles converting id of an object to int (or NSINteger), so that I can use it in ... Comparing in objective C - Implicit conversion of 'int' to 'id' is disallowed with ARC.
Objective-C:How to Converting int to id for selector's object ... 行動版 - 2012年4月9日 - I received a return value from SQLite fetch int primaryKey ... 131628896 is the memory ...
Objective C convert number to NSNumber - Stack Overflow 行動版 - 2010年12月5日 - ... is supposed to work like in c asI can read here How to cast an object in Objective-C
Understanding Objective-C Number Objects - Techotopia 2012年4月23日 - In Objective-C 2.0 Data Types we looked at the basic data types supported by ...
Objective-C Numbers - TutorialsPoint 行動版 - 2013年9月14日 - Objective-C Overview - Learning Objective-C in simple ... In Objective-C programming language, in order to save the basic data types like int, float, bool in object form,.
NSNumber - Ry's Objective-C Tutorial - RyPress 行動版 - The NSNumber class is a lightweight, object-oriented wrapper around C's numeric primitives. ... The NSNumber version of BOOL 's, char 's, int 's and double 's can all be created by ...