Objective - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary Full Definition of OBJECTIVE 1 a: relating to or existing as an object of thought without consideration of independent existence —used chiefly in medieval philosophy b: of, relating to, or being an object, phenomenon, or condition in the realm of sensible
Object | Define Object at Dictionary.com In fact, matter as a visible object is of no great use any longer, except as the mould on which form is shaped. With ram accelerators, diameter's the thing: the bigger the bore, the bigger the object that can be fired out of it. Fluffy wood shavings camou
objective c - Converting NSObject to NSDictionary - Stack ... 2013年9月29日 - I want to pass the "details" object to a dictionary. ... I know that the details I am getting is a JSON object and I am ... I am a noob in Objective-C.
How to convert NSDictionary to custom object - Stack Overflow 2014年1月24日 - What should I do to get object from this dictionary? ... To map you Object to JSON you can use the Objective-C runtime to do it automatically.
objective c - Dynamically populate object properties with ... 2011年6月9日 - You can use Key-Value Coding: [obj setValuesForKeysWithDictionary:dict];. See also the documentation for -setValuesForKeysWithDictionary: .
objective c - Obj-C easy method to convert from NSObject ... 2012年4月25日 - I had an object (an NSObject which adopted the MKAnnotation protocol) that .... I was getting errors that the non-dictionary wouldn't respond to ...
objective c - Convert an object into NSDictionary - Stack ... 2011年4月20日 - cellNo = @"XXXXXXXXXX"; //For Object to Dictionary NSDictionary ... Objective-c : Convert JSON array of dictionaries to NSDictionary.
dchohfi/KeyValueObjectMapping · GitHub 2014年10月31日 - KeyValueObjectMapping - Automatic KeyValue Object Mapping for Objective-C, parse JSON/plist/Dictionary automatically.
Jastor - Translate JSON/NSDictionary to Typed Objective-C ... 2011年12月20日 - Jastor - Translate JSON/NSDictionary to Typed Objective-C Classes ... Jastor is an Objective-C base class that is initialized with a dictionary (probably from your ... Jastor also converts nested objects to their destination type: ...
Objective-C Dictionary Objects - Techotopia 2012年4月23日 - Objective-C Dictionary Object classes allow data to be stored and managed in the form of key-value pairs where both the key and the value are ...