程式語言教學誌: Objective-C 入門指南- NSString 建立三個NSString 字串物件NSString *s1 = @"\n\n這是Objective-C 的第一個程式... \n"; NSString *s2 = @"使用Foundation.h 中的NSLog() 來輸出...\n"; NSString *s3 ...
Objective C - String - 首頁 2010年9月28日 ... 真的用太多了...不過用了很多還是記不住XD 腦容量大概2k吧我.... ============= = 字串搜尋================ 比對字串內容- string2 去比 ...
Working with String Objects in Objective-C - Techotopia The purpose of this chapter is to cover the key aspects of string creation, comparison and manipulation in Objective-C using the Foundation Framework's ...
[IPHONE]Object C 字元串和資料NSString NSArray操作 ... - 資訊園 轉自:http://guxiaojje.blog.163.com/blog/static/140942291201021822657332/ 1 // 创建字符串对象 ...
Objective-C NSString 使用教學 作者:puritys Chen - 2014年1月30日 - 字串相加stringWithFormat. 另外一種相字串相加起來的方式,是使用stringWithFormat ,這個方式有點像C 語言的sprintf 。 String stringWithFormat.
[轉載] Objective C 字串連接& 型別轉換@ 我是艾娃小姐:: 痞 ... 2011年12月1日 - 在java裡面我們常常用到"+"來連接兩個字串但在objective c似乎不是這樣用以下用一個例子解釋 float weight=benefit2/7700; //將float轉成string
String.Format 方法 (String, Object) (System) String format 的複本,其中的所有格式項目都已經由 arg0 的字串表示取代。例外狀況 例外狀況 條件 ArgumentNullException ...
NSString Class Reference - Apple Developer 15 Jul 2014 ... Describes an immutable character string. ... writeToURL:atomically: Language: Swift Objective-C Both ...
NSString - Ry's Objective-C Tutorial - RyPress ... this tutorial, the NSString class is the basic tool for representing text in an Objective-C application. ... which return the number of characters in the string and the character at a given index, respectively.
Objective-C Strings: A guide for beginners - iOS-Blog The Objective-C class for strings is NSString. Strings are typically created by direct assignment or by calling one of the NSString class methods. Please note; this ...