香港諾富特東薈城酒店 香港諾富特東薈城酒店鄰近香港機場、亞洲國際博覽中心、東涌地鐵站,搭乘地鐵距香港迪士尼樂園只有2站,到香港市中心僅約30分鐘;步行即可到達昂平360纜車站。到香港旅遊、商務洽公選擇香港酒店預訂時,諾富特東薈城酒店的舒適與便捷,是您享受 ...
诺富特东荟城酒店 - Novotel Citygate Hong Kong 诺富特东荟城酒店距离香港国际机场仅5 分钟车程,提供免费穿梭巴士服务,连接 ...
Hotel Novotel Hong Kong Citygate: travel, stay or vacation, holiday ... The only airport hotel in Hong Kong with city convenience, Novotel Citygate is 5 min from Hong Kong International Airport and AsiaWorld-Expo. With direct ...
香港九龍諾富特酒店 香港九龍諾富特酒店位於九龍彌敦道中心區,距離左敦地鐵站步行大約2、3分鐘,鄰近著名的廟街夜市與玉器市場。
香港諾富特世紀酒店 香港諾富特世紀酒店毗鄰灣仔地鐵站,鄰近香港會議展覽中心、天星碼頭、時代廣場購物中心與維多利亞港,優越的交通地理位置,還有雅高集團不定時推出的住房優惠,香港世紀酒店是您到香港自由行或是商務洽公的便利住宿選擇。
Novotel Hong Kong Nathan Road Kowloon - 香港九龍諾富特酒店 Novotel Hong Kong Nathan Road Kowloon is a Hong Kong hotel with notable Kowloon attractions nearby, such as Avenue of Stars, Museum of HK History, Clock Tower,etc. Among Hong Kong hotels, the Hong Kong Novotel is an excellent choice for your Hong ...
Novotel Citygate Hong Kong – Hong Kong Hotel on The Novotel Citygate Hong Kong is a Hong Kong hotel ideally located close to the Hong Kong International Airport and AsiaWorld-Expo with famous Hong Kong attractions nearby, including Hong Kong Disneyland, Ngong Ping Cable Car, and Citygate Outlets ...
Novotel Citygate Hong Kong Airport Hotel in Hong Kong - 諾 ... The only airport hotel in Hong Kong with city convenience offers you a new Hong Kong experience. Novotel Citygate Hong Kong is only 5 minutes from Hong ...
Novotel Century Hong Kong hotel | Luxury Hotels in Hong Kong Novotel Century Hong Kong hotel, Hong Kong Island is located in the bright and bustling heart of the Fragrant Harbour. ... 香港諾富特世紀酒店 香港諾富特世紀酒店位於璀璨繁華的港灣中心,周圍商鋪林立,亦有細小而美味的食肆及真正的本地市場,而且與各會議及 ...
香港諾富特世紀酒店 - Novotel Century Hong Kong Hotel Novotel Century Hong Kong hotel, Hong Kong Island is located in the bright and bustling heart of the Fragrant Harbour.