Nokia Lumia 1520 - 大螢幕的智慧型手機- Nokia 利用新款Nokia Lumia 1520 和6 吋HD 螢幕、2000 萬畫素及內建的免費Microsoft Office, ... 評論與評等.
Nokia Lumia 1520 評測 - Engadget 中文版 2013年12月26日 - 而做工方面,Lumia 1520 也貫徹了Nokia 的優良傳統,一體成形的機身非常紮實,有一種 ...
規格大爆發 Nokia Lumia 1320/1520/2520 阿布達比實測 - Mobile01 本站新聞 Lumia 1520堪稱是Nokia有史以來硬體最強悍的Windows Phone智慧型手機,不只是螢幕加大到6吋,就連處理器也是首度採用Snapdragon 800四核心2.2GHz,搭配了2GB RAM與32GB ROM,還可以擴充記憶卡,打破了以往Lumia系列頂規機不支援記憶卡的情況。
Nokia Lumia 1520 產品技術規格 - Nokia - 台灣 重量: 209 g 顯示與使用者介面 螢幕大小: 6 '' 顯示器解析度: Full HD (1920 x 1080) 螢幕功能: 亮度控制, 雙擊喚醒, Nokia 掃視畫面, 更新率每秒 60 Hz, 日光閱讀增強技術, Corning® Gorilla® Glass 2, 易於清潔, 高亮度模式, Lumia 色彩設定檔, 超廣可視角
Nokia Lumia 1520 - 4G Smartphone with 20MP Camera - Microsoft - USA See more, tell more and do more with the new Nokia Lumia 1520 and its six-inch HD display, 20 MP camera and built-in free Microsoft Office. ... The Nokia Lumia 1520 is a powerhouse of on-the-go productivity. Built-in Microsoft Office let’s you view and ed
Nokia Lumia 1520 review - CNET - Product reviews and prices, software downloads, and tech news Bigger isn't always better, but in Nokia's case, it is. The 6-inch Lumia 1520 for AT&T is the fastest Windows Phone ever made. Slimmer and lighter than you'd expect for a supersize handset, the 1520 brings home the goods: a huge 1080p HD display, a 20 ...
Introduction: Nokia Lumia 1520 camera review: Connect I have used Nokia Lumia 1520. Its a window Smart phone and its camera is not good and bad result. I don't ...
lumia 1520 camera - Nokia Support Discussions Nokia Lumia > lumia 1520 camera Sign In Register Help Reply Topic Options Subscribe to This Topic's RSS ...
Nokia Lumia 1520: Windows Phone with 6-inch 1080p display and 20MP camera for $750 The front-facing camera on the Lumia 1520 offers 1.2 HD 720p wide angle video so you'll always look ... ...
Nokia Lumia 1520 pushes the boundaries of imaging - Conversations Nokia continues to drive photography innovation with a 20-megapixel oversampling camera optimized for ...