any ideas or any idea? - WordReference Forums "Do you have any idea what could have happened if you had done that?" (Do you realize what the consequences would have been if you had ...
是"have no ideas"還是"have no idea"?_知道 提問者採納: 是"have no ideas No 【化】元素鍩(nobelium)的符號 no KK: [] DJ: [] a. 1. 沒有 He has no friends in this city. 在這個城市裡他沒有朋友。 Palmer有明白的規定,說在no後接不可數(uncountable)的事物 ...
have no idea是什麼意思_have no idea的翻譯_音標_讀音_用法_例句_愛詞霸在線詞典 愛詞霸權威在線詞典,為您提供have no idea的中文意思,have no idea的用法講解,have no idea的讀音,have no idea的同義詞,have no idea的反義詞,have no idea的例句等英語服務。
No Ideas No Idea - 相關圖片搜尋結果
EN: no idea / no ideas - WordReference Forums ... question!) ou no idea (aucune idée) mais aussi no taxes (pas de taxe) ou "no worries" (pas d'affolement)... Alors "no" suivi du singulier ou du pluriel?! :confused: Merci d'avance :p Help Remember Me? | Language Forums ...
no ideas no idea - 新聞搜尋結果
I have no idea 還是 ideas_知道 提問者採納: I have no idea 表示的是 我沒有想法 或者說 我不知道 但當變為複數的時候 意思就變成 我沒有許多點子(ideas) 意思就是說 還可能有一個點子 說這句話的本來目的就是表明 沒點子 ...
Ask & Learn聞問切﹕I have no idea/ ideas - 教育 - 新浪網 【明報專訊】讀者 Miss Yeung 問: ... 【明報專訊】讀者 Miss Yeung 問:"I have no idea" 和 "I have no ideas" 有何分別?人家詢問你的意見、想法時,而自己心裏完全沒有念頭,那時候用 "I have no idea" 或 "I have no ideas" 都可以。
no idea? - Yahoo!奇摩知識+ 請問..可不可以說 I have no ideas about what you said. idea可以加 s嗎? ... I have no idea. 通常不加s 慣用---了解,明白[C][(+of)][+wh-] I have no idea what to do. 我不知道該怎麼辦。但是樓上那位句子照錯了喔!
No ideas for an idea - Public Opinion, Polls and Discussion on SodaHead I have no idea what I'm going to write here people. Lol. So lets just sit back and see what my brain is secretly thinking. Ah ha!! My day? ... No ideas for an idea No ideas for an idea Hot Questions on SodaHead Do You Set Goals for Yourself? 79% Do you fu