Current Firmware downloads available for Nikon products | Nikon Knowledgebase If you want the Bokeh or blurry background look of a fast f/2.8 or wider lens but don’t have one, use the widest aperture that your lens does have, and decrease the distance between you and the subject, while you increase the distance between the subject
找尋答案 您的意思是: 找不到結果。 建議: 確保所有詞語拼寫正確 使用可以表示同一事物的其他詞語 ... 更新韌體前的說明 Nikon 1 AW1 韌體 — A 韌體: 1.01版, B 韌體: 1.00版 ...
Latest Nikon Firmware Updates - Photography Life I have already put this question in to Nikon Support but, I am wondering if anyone here knows why the D300s wouldn’t be included in this firmware update since Nikon USA still actively sells this camera? The D90 is being updated which is older but still be
How to Update Firmware on Nikon DSLR - Photography Life In this article, I will show you the step by step process of updating firmware on Nikon DSLR cameras - by Nasim Mansurov ... One of the areas within the camera that rarely ever gets touched, is the camera software, also known as “firmware”. Most modern ..
Nikon D80 韌體1.11 版更新(Windows) - 上一個( 如果韌體升級完成,請關閉相機然後再打開。如果已經在相機中安裝了這些最新版本 韌體,則不必下載或安裝此韌體升級。
Nikon 1 V1 韌體— A 韌體: 1.30版, B 韌體: 1.30版— 下載 - 上一個( 2013年11月6日 ... 如果您遇到任何問題或不確定如何更新韌體,請前往最近的尼康授權服務代表處以 獲得專業人員協助。
Nikon 1 J1 韌體— A 韌體: 1.30版, B 韌體: 1.30版— 下載 - 上一個( 2013年11月6日 ... 如果您遇到任何問題或不確定如何更新韌體,請前往最近的尼康授權服務代表處以 獲得專業人員協助。
Nikon D200 韌體2.01 版更新(Windows) 這是什麼?(滾動到底部的下載鏈結). Nikon D200 A韌體2.01版,B韌體2.01版下載( Macintosh)。 更新韌體前的說明.
NIKON TAIWAN - 【技術支援】數位單眼相機韌體更新。... - Facebook D4,D3x,D3s,D3,D800E,D800,D600,D7000,D3200 上述機種於4/2提供新版韌體 更新,若須自行更新,請於連結中找到自己 ...
Nikon D600 、D800將有韌體更新 - Wilhelm Chang Photography - 痞 ... 資料與圖片來源:Nikon RumorsNikon將在未來提供D600、D800韌體更新,其中 D600為人詬病的錄影時不能改變光圈將被 ...