COOLPIX S630 from Nikon If you want the Bokeh or blurry background look of a fast f/2.8 or wider lens but don’t have one, use the widest aperture that your lens does have, and decrease the distance between you and the subject, while you increase the distance between the subject
攝影家手札Digital - Nikon COOLPIX S630 7倍變焦鏡頭薄吋數位相機/數位影像坊 「牛」年新希望,Nikon S630以新薄吋外型,成為COOLPIX S系列的最新機款。鏡頭焦距換算135mm傳統相機焦距37-262 mm、光圈F3.5-5.3的光學7倍變焦鏡頭了,S630一般狀況下最短攝影距離是60cm,微距模式下時約2cm近拍,機體也安裝了感光元件式照相時光 ...
Fujifilm FinePix F200 EXR 相機規格、價錢及介紹文章- DCFever ... 富士剛為旗下輕便相機FinePix F200EXR 推出新Firmware,最新版本為v1.20。新韌體主要改善了相機拍攝 ...
COOLPIX S630 from Nikon COOLPIX S630. Li-ion rechargeable battery EN-EL12; Battery Charger MH-65; USB Cable UC-E6 ...
Nikon CoolPix S630 review - CNET 2009年3月19日 - The Nikon Coolpix S630 puts a little extra zoom in your pocket, but you might not find ...
Nikon | Imaging Products | Specifications - COOLPIX S630 *1Not compatible with Multi Media Cards (MMC). *2ISO 3200 and 6400 are available only for image ...
數位影像坊 - Nikon 尼康 - S630 數位相機 規格 傳統鏡頭器材規格 新手指引 採購建議 好書推薦 攝影概念 基礎技法 ... Nikon COOLPIX S630 7倍變焦鏡頭薄吋數位相機 2009/2/4 攝影家手札 數位影像坊 DV哈燒網 KeyBuy 藝廊 論壇 相機挖挖挖 ...
七倍變焦 Nikon S630 - [哈燒王] Nikon 宣佈推出 COOLPIX S630 相機。這款強大的相機巧妙地將超薄機身和 7 倍Nikkor變焦鏡頭融合為一,最大程度提高了Nikon創新 EXPEED 數位影像處理概念所體現的影像品質和性能優勢。 7 倍Nikkor變焦鏡頭具有靈活的焦距,能夠完全捕捉特殊時刻遠近各處的 ...
Nikon CoolPix S630 review - CNET - Product reviews and prices, software downloads, and tech news The Nikon Coolpix S630 puts a little extra zoom in your pocket, but you might not find the high-resolution photos it shoots out pleasurable. ... The S630 is a little thicker than usual for Nikon's S-series cameras. That extra depth is for the 7x zoom lens
Nikon Coolpix S630 規格與相機介紹 | ePrice 比價王 Nikon 2009 新發表 COOLPIX S630!採用 Nikon 新一代 EXPEED 數位影像處理概念,以及以犀利畫質聞名全球的 Nikkor 鏡頭精密光學技術,不但擁有 1220 萬畫素,7 倍光學變焦,搭上 ISO6400 高感光;想怎麼拍、就怎麼拍!