背照式CMOS相機當道:RICOH CX3、Fujifilm FinePix HS10、Nikon CoolPix P100 | T客邦 - 我只推薦好東西 世界首台30倍變焦:Fujifilm HS10 Fujifilm HS10 Fujifilm HS10規格: 感光元件:1/2.3″ 背照式CMOS ... 26倍變焦新力作:Nikon CoolPix P100 Nikon CoolPix P100 Nikon CoolPix P100規格: 感光元件:1/2.3″ 背照式CMOS 畫素:1000 ...
nikon p100和fujifilm hs10 - Yahoo!奇摩知識+ 麻煩請各位大大給個建議nikon p100和fujifilm hs10哪一台比較好還有兩台的優缺點一台是26倍一台是30倍想買一台騎單車或出去遊玩時可以隨時隨地拍風景和人像請各位大大幫幫忙 ...
Nikon P100 跟FUJIFILM HS10 的比較 - Yahoo!奇摩知識+ Nikon Coolpix P100 跟FUJIFILM HS10 那種好呢請幫我比較這兩部相機的優缺點...謝謝 ... p100跟hs10價位差不多 有效畫素是一樣1030萬 但是 p100光學變焦是26 mm ~ 678 mm hs10光學變焦是24 mm ~ 720 mm(優) p100 ISO感光度最大到3200
Nikon P100 vs Fuji HS10 The Fuji HS10 and Nikon P100 comparison is finally here. My comparisons are much different than what you’re used to. If we walked into a camera store together and you asked me to compare the P100 to the HS10, I wouldn’t overload you with lots of details …
nikon p100 vs fujifilm hs10 - 數碼相機 DC / EVIL - Uwants.com Uwants.com nikon p100 vs fujifilm hs10 我暫時唔會玩單鏡住..唔會玩鏡頭.. 影景多,,, which is better..and why?? if neither one of these...what should i choose??? th ...
Nikon P100: 26x-zoom, 1080p 錄影 - [哈燒王 Hot3c.com] Nikon COOLPIX P100 的其他特點 • 17個場景模式,優化各種設置下的拍攝 • 自動場景模式選擇器 • 主體追蹤 • 優化影像(包括單色濾鏡效果) • 動態變焦 ...
Fujifilm HS10 vs Nikon P100 - Our Analysis Snapsort compares the Fujifilm HS10 vs Nikon P100 to find out which is the winner. Key differences include: high-speed framerate, size, panorama, screen resolution, shutter lag and supports RAW ... Thanks for the comments, I'm also interested in one of th
Nikon P100 Hs10 - 相關圖片搜尋結果
Fuji HS10 vs Nikon P100 review | T3 - T3 | Latest Tech News, Gadget reviews and Technology videos Ding ding ding! On the red corner we have the Fuji HS10. On the blue corner we have the Nikon P100. Who will win the title of best big-zoom camera? T3 ... D ing ding ding! On the red corner we have the Fuji HS10. On the blue corner we have the Nikon P100.
用家心得 - DCFever.com 124 lkl3000 因為全高清的拍攝短片功能..... 忍不到手,所以買了. 用了半... 67 axiaxx 比預期和傳聞中好,.,. 尤其拍出的照片質素很高.. 做了很... 67 yochau 我一開始就留意Fuji HS10和 Nikon P100, 本人都是兩者的fans....