Nikon Imaging | Global Site | Capture NX 2™ 試用版-下載 Capture NX 2 - 快捷、簡便、功能強大的影像修飾工具 試用版-下載 ... OS Mac OS® X 10.7.5、10.8.5 或 10.9.2 版;在 64-bit 模式下以 64-bit 本地應用程式執行。 A請注意:Capture NX 2 與“區分大小寫”或“區分大小寫,日誌式”磁片格式不相容。
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Nikon Imaging | Global Site | Capture NX 2™ Testversion Capture NX 2 –Powerful tools for quick and easy photo editing Trial Version – Download Trial Version Download Instructions Choose your region and language.Download the software from the selected page. Europe English Spanish
Capture NX 2 - Full Version (Boxed) from Nikon Behind every Nikon COOLPIX camera is the fundamental idea that photography should bring you joy. Stylish, compact and easy to use, you'll capture every precious moment ... Nikon 1 combines the creative freedom of a small, sleek camera and the superior ...
How to Edit Photos | Photo Editing Tips & Training from Nikon | Capture NX 2 Training from Nikon Learn how to edit photos and get the most from your images using the editing features of Nikon's Capture NX 2 software. ... Try shooting without color for a day. Set your camera to the B&W or monochrome setting and get used to seeing in Black & White. If
Ron Martinsen's Photography Blog: REVIEW: Nikon Capture NX 2 (compared against Adobe Lightroom 2.5) Nikon’s Capture NX2 is a product made using technology licensed under contract by my favorite add-in vendor Nik Software. I decided to take time to see if Capture NX2 is more of the magic that seems to make the Nik Software products so great, or if it was
Chiamei Huang - 您好:我最近打算要購買NIKON CAPTURE ... 您好:我最近打算要購買NIKON CAPTURE NX2升級版因為NX我自己有序號跟正版的軟體但是到貴公司網站找不到東西!請問可以買得到嗎?還是要另外預定!?
Capture NX2, 2.4.6 版軟件下載 - 上一個( 2014年3月13日 - 注意事項: 此軟件向已經購買Capture NX 2的用戶提供。 此軟件透過名為S-CNX2__-020406WF-INTTW-ALL___.exe (Windows) ...
Capture NX2, 2.4.5 版軟件下載 - 上一個( 2013年11月13日 - 注意事項: 此軟件向已經購買Capture NX 2的用戶提供。 此軟件透過名為S-CNX2__-020405WF-INTTW-ALL___.exe (Windows) ...
Capture NX2, 2.4.7 版軟件下載 - 上一個( 2014年4月15日 - 注意事項: - 此軟件向已經購買Capture NX 2的用戶提供。 - 此軟件透過名為S-CNX2__-020407WF-INTTW-ALL___.exe (Windows) ...