【真機速試】Nikon 全球最細無反 J3 及入門 S1 l UNWIRE.HK 流動科技生活 操作介面直覺化 也許 Nikon J1 及 S1 的操作介面對於專業攝影人士不太適合使用,但對於新手甚至是不懂攝影的人就很直覺化,尤其是 S1 整個介面使用一層層圓圓的設計,簡單利用左右及轉盤便可在多個功能中穿梭,各位可看以下影片介紹。
NIKON 1 J1 VS J2 VS J3 之分別? - Nikon 討論區 - DCHome.net 數碼天地論壇 - Powered by Discuz! NIKON 1 J1 VS J2 VS J3 之分別?建議入邊部好? OR 選擇入V 系列? NIKON 1 J1 VS J2 VS J3 之分別? ,DCHome.net 數碼天地論壇
Nikon J3 vs J1 - Our Analysis - Compare digital cameras - Snapsort Snapsort compares the Nikon J3 vs Nikon J1 to find out which is the winner. Key differences include: ...
Nikon J1 + FT1 開箱+ 試拍« Kirby 2012年1月11日 ... 於是我買了Nikon J1 + 10mm f/2.8 定焦組,附帶一只FT1 轉接環。 ... 在手動曝光 模式下,方向轉盤控制光圈,放大鈕則控制快門,由於放大鈕是撥桿 ...
Nikon Hong Kong Ltd. - Nikon 1 J3 - 比較 概述 功能說明 技術規格 照片/視頻庫 套件 配件 概述 全新的 Nikon 1 J3 ...
Nikon J3 vs V1 - Our Analysis - Compare digital cameras - Snapsort Snapsort compares the Nikon J3 vs Nikon V1 to find out which is the winner. Key differences include: ...
Nikon 1 J1 vs. Nikon 1 J3 - Sensor Comparison Nikon 1 J1 vs. Nikon 1 J3 Comparison Select different cameras » vs. Nikon 1 J1 Nikon 1 J3 Megapixels ...
Nikon 1 J3 vs J1 - Camera Rocket Benchmarks Real world tests of Nikon 1 J3 vs J1 Low light image quality Highest ISO setting that still ...
Nikon 1 J1 vs Nikon 1 J3 compare with reviews, tests, and articles Nikon 1 J1 vs Nikon 1 J3 compare with reviews, tests, and articles. The best place for Nikon ...
Nikon 1 J1 vs J3 - Cameras Comparison - Best Digital Cameras 2014 - Compare Reviews, Specs Compare Cameras: Nikon 1 J1 vs J3. Compare detailed tech specs, features, expert reviews, and user ...