中階對戰: Nikon D7000 v.s D90 哪台才是好夥計? | DIGIPHOTO-用鏡頭享受生命 Nikon 的 中階 機自從 D70 、 D80 到 D90 ,在規格上的更新都給予相當大的驚喜,不過自 Nikon D90 之後,就一直沒看見令人激賞的中階機種,沒有新機的推出讓苦苦等待的N家粉絲吹鬍子瞪眼大搥心肝,或許是來自於這樣的壓力,讓Nikon在2010年初推出 D7000 ...
Nikon D7000 vs D90 To make it easier for our readers, I decided to post a quick comparison between the two in this “Nikon D7000 vs D90” article. The new Nikon D7000 is a new generation DSLR that sits between D90 and D300s, which can be classified as an “semi-professional ..
Nikon D90 review Cameralabs verdict: Nikon D90 vs D80, Nikon D90 vs Canon EOS 40D also found they didn’t deliver as sharp a result on-screen as Canon’s models – see our Design page for full details. ... Nikon D90 final verdict There’s no doubt the Nikon D90 is a very impressive DSLR, but like its predecessor, it’s more about enhanced .
Nikon D90, D300, D80 比較 - [哈燒王 Hot3c.com] Nikon D90 提供了嶄新 D-Moive 動態錄影模式,首創 DSLR 也能錄製影片的先例!並搭載 D300 等級的 CMOS 感光元件,具備除塵、ISO 6400 超高感光度能力。
攝影入門 FotoBeginner - ISO訊噪小測試:Nikon D80 vs D90 Nikon的D80和D90一直是很多人購買的目標,無論是初次進入DSLR世界的攝影新手還是想upgrade舊機的朋友,也對它們於黑暗環境下高ISO(感光度)時控制訊噪(Noise)的能力有 ...
Nikon D300 vs D90 - Our Analysis - Compare digital cameras - Snapsort Snapsort compares the Nikon D300 vs Nikon D90 to find out which is the winner. Key differences include: weather sealed, overall image quality, focus points, movie format and ...
Nikon D90 - Ken Rockwell The D90 has identical, or slightly better technical image quality than the D300, the exact same rear LCD, and adds ...
Nikon D80 vs D90 vs D300 Digital Camera Showdown | Spot Cool Stuff: Tech We review three excellent Nikon SLR cameras: the D80, D90 and D300. After comparing the build quality, ...
Nikon D90 Review: Digital Photography Review Review based on a production Nikon D90 with firmware V1.0. Almost exactly ...
Nikon D80 vs D90 - Our Analysis - Compare digital cameras - Snapsort Snapsort compares the Nikon D80 vs Nikon D90 to find out which is the winner. Key differences include: movie format, low light performance, screen size, screen resolution and ...