Nikon COOLPIX L830 16 MP CMOS Digital Camera with 34x Zoom NIKKOR Lens and Full 1080p HD Video (2014 If you want to be delighted by your photos and HD videos; if you want to catch detailed close-ups of faraway action; if you like the styling of advanced cameras but want the simplicity of a point-and-shoot, say hello to the COOLPIX L830. With a superb NIK
Nikon Coolpix L120介紹 - ePrice 比價王 Nikon Coolpix L120 搭載 1/2.3 吋 1400 萬像素 CCD,鏡頭方面則採用了等效焦段達到 25-525mm 的 21 倍光學變焦鏡頭,最大光圈為 F3.1-5.8,並在鏡頭側面加入了 T / W 變焦鈕。其它方面,L120 的感光度範圍由 ISO 80 〜 ISO6400,支援 1280×720 高畫質 ...
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Nikon Coolpix L120 評測:新一代超值長砲Nikon 討論區 - ePrice 比價王 21 砲平價長焦砲 - Nikon Coolpix L120。 不知道各位對筆者在兩年前 (遠目) 撰寫過的 L100 評測有印象嗎?那是一台頗為傻瓜導向的 15 砲長焦數位相機,現在進化至的 L120 又有什麼不同?最不同之處在於鏡頭長度由原本的 15 倍拉長
比比王-Nikon Coolpix L120- 相機- 比較、比價格、規格、推薦、評比、報價 Nikon Coolpix L120 目前的市價:8,990元 ~ 10,900元。規格:1410萬像素、3吋螢幕、21倍光學變焦、廣角端25mm、防手震:機身防手震、重量:431g
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Nikon | Imaging Products | Product Archive - COOLPIX L120 L120 21x zoom optimized to create quality memories. Color Variation * Color availability may vary according to region ... lens that covers a focal range from 25 mm wide-angle to 525 mm super-telephoto. * 14.1 megapixels of imaging power and Nikon's EXPEED
Nikon COOLPIX L120 Camera Get closer than ever to your active family with the powerful, affordable NIKON COOLPIX L120 Your images will zoom to the next level with its 21x optical Zoom-NIKKOR glass lens. ... Behind every Nikon COOLPIX camera is the fundamental idea that photography