嵌入型病例對照研究法(nested case-control study)及其統計推論 嵌入型病例對照(nested case-control, NCC)研究法,或譯為重疊病例對照研究. 法。 其設計概念是將病例對照研究”嵌入”於世代研究(cohort study)當中,而此處.
Nested case-control studies. Prev Med. 1994 Sep;23(5):587-90. Nested case-control studies. Ernster VL. The nested case-control study design (or the case-control in a cohort study) is ...
Nested case control study Nested case control study. 分析流行病學方法的詳細分類. 重疊病例對照研究法(nested case control study). 雙向研究法(ambidirectional). 病例對照研究法(case ...
Nested case-control study - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia A nested case control (NCC) study is a variation of a case-control study in which only a subset of controls from the cohort are compared to the incident cases.
7.2.1 - Case-Cohort Study Design | STAT 507 - Epidemiological ... A case-cohort study is similar to a nested case-control study in that the cases and non-cases are within a parent cohort; cases and non-cases are identified at ...
News glossary - NHS Choices - Your health, your choices Case-control study A case-control study is an epidemiological study that is often used to identify risk factors for a medical condition. This type of study compares a group of patients who have that condition with a group of patients that do not have it,
Cohort and case-control studies - Geneva Foundation for Medical Education and Research distinguishes between current and historical cohort studies. In a current cohort study, ... An example of a population-based case-control study is a joint Swedish-Norwegian study of the association between the use of OCs and breast cancer in young ...
Case–Control Study, Nested - Under Construction Case–Control Study, Nested 3 the basis of the (m−1)/m relative efficiency rule [16, 58], this nested case–control study of 258 sub-jects provides 5/6 = 83% efficiency relative to an analysis of entire cohort of 21183 for testing associ-ations between single
Nested case-control study - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia A nested case control (NCC) study is a variation of a case-control study in which only a subset of controls from the cohort are compared to the incident cases. In a case-cohort study, all incident cases in the cohort are compared to a random subset of par
Bias in full cohort and nested case-control studies? In this issue, Langholz and Richardson and Hein et al.2 address two recent articles by Deubner and colleagues, about nested case-control studies. In one article ...