Solar and Heliospheric Observatory Homepage Pick of the Week Strong Proton Storm (January 10, 2014) A solar magnetic active region containing the largest sunspot group of the last 10 years unleashed a large (X1.2) flare when... more » Hot Shots from SOHO Comet ISON: Faded Glory Comet C/2012 S1 ...
火星 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書 火星 (英語、拉丁語: Mars ),是離 太陽 第 四 近的 行星 ,為四顆 類地行星 之一。在英語中火星被稱為 瑪爾斯 (Mars,意思是 戰神 ), 古漢語 中則因為它熒熒如 火 ,位置、亮度時常變動讓人無法捉摸而稱之為 熒惑 。火星在視覺上呈現為 橘紅色 ...
太子殿: NASA衛星空照圖 - yam天空部落 覺得GOOGLE所提供的GOOGLE EARTH還不過癮嗎??黑衣在NASA網站中發現.....原來NASA也有提供免費的衛星空照圖服務.....^0^...
NASA Visible Earth: Home NASA's Visible Earth catalog of NASA images and animations of our home planet .
Solar and Heliospheric Observatory Homepage Hot Shots from SOHO. Comet ISON: Faded Glory. Comet C/2012 S1 was discovered in September 2012 by Russian astronomers using data from the ...
《28種保鮮膜的神奇用途》一定要學起來!必分享| 點我一下分享無價 家裡的保鮮膜如果只給食物包裝的話,可是嚴重埋沒了它的潛力,保鮮膜的28種妙用,功能超強大! 1、遙控器容易髒,用保鮮膜把遙控器包住,拿電吹風吹緊,就給 ...
網傳NASA環日攝影衛星拍到太陽軌道上聚集上千艘超級飛船 - YouTube 1:23 Play next Play now 德国道路监控拍下神秘事件,震惊全球 by Danny Summer 620,032 views 1:18 Play next Play now 【觉】银河联邦来了!2月3日出现巨型母船被空间站拍到! by oXkangkangXo 86,269 views 1:12:52
ICESat - Official Site ICESat (Ice, Cloud,and land Elevation Satellite) is the benchmark Earth Observing System mission for measuring ice sheet mass balance, cloud and aerosol heights, as well as land topography and vegetation characteristics. ICESat-2 is the 2nd-generation mis
nasa衛星 - 新聞搜尋結果
NASA - IMAGE Science Center The IMAGE satellite is the first spacecraft dedicated to imaging the Earth's magnetosphere, a region of space controlled by the Earth's magnetic field that contains extremely tenuous plasmas of both solar and terrestrial origin.