機密照片曝光,月球上的UFO和外星人 - YouTube 30:51 【關鍵時刻2300】NASA代號37樓的神秘中心 人類從 月球上帶回的不只是...1010730 by ettvCTime Featured 138,533 43:25 外星人已降臨地球 by twRaelianMovement 274,328 views 10 ...
震驚世界!網曝月球UFO基地真實照片(組圖) | NASA | 外星人 ... 2014年1月4日 - 早在5億年前,我們的地球就被外星人造訪過,月球也被造訪過,月球上還有很多基地。
阿波羅17號最後一次登陸月球發現甚麼? | JGospel.Net 西元1969年7月20日,阿姆斯壯乘著阿波羅11號,寫下人類成功登陸月球,在月球 ... 記錄影片,他指稱:「阿波羅17號並非最後一個登陸月球的任務,而是阿波羅18號!
NASA Apollo 11 30th Anniversary After their historic walks on the Moon, they successfully docked with the Command Module “Columbia,” in which Michael Collins was patiently orbiting the cold but no longer lifeless Moon. To download the Apollo 11 30th Anniversary logo, click here. ...
震驚世界!網曝月球UFO基地真實照片(組圖) | 外星人 | UFO | NASA | 台灣大紀元 一種觀點認為,這是因為所有25名飛往 月球的美國太空人都曾在 月球上 發現過不明飛行物,對外星強大科技的「畏懼」,促使美國航太總署( ...
Lunar Prospector - Under Maintenance Official site by the Ames Research Center. Survey and impact information, with images.
A New Map of the Moon | NASA NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter science team released the highest resolution near-global topographic map of the moon ever created. This new topographic map shows the surface shape and features over nearly the entire moon with a pixel scale close to 32
Moon Fact Sheet - NASA Bulk parameters Moon Earth Ratio (Moon/Earth) Mass (10 24 kg) 0.07342 5.9726 0.0123 Volume (10 10 km 3) 2.1958 108.321 0.0203 Equatorial radius (km) 1738.1 6378.1 0.2725 Polar radius ...
NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Mission Provides up to date information on NASA's most recent robotic mission to the Moon -- the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter and its LCROSS (Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite)companion.
NASA - NSSDC - Spacecraft - Details - Welcome to the NSSDC! Description Luna 2 was the second of a series of spacecraft launched in the direction of the Moon. The first spacecraft to land on the Moon, it impacted the lunar surface east of Mare Serenitatis near the Aristides, Archimedes, and Autolycus craters. Luna