MySQL :: MySQL 5.1 Reference Manual :: 10.6 MySQL Server Time Zone Support The current session time zone setting affects display and storage of time values that are zone-sensitive. This includes the values displayed by functions such as NOW() or CURTIME(), and values stored in and retrieved from TIMESTAMP columns.
How To Synchronize Your Timezones in PHP and MySQL 2011年4月19日 - You're unlikely to run into timezone issues during development or if you're ... You're unable to use MySQL date/time functions such as NOW().
這就是人蔘~: MySQL 時區設定 mysql> set system_time_zone = CST; mysql 當前的時區:全域系統變數time_zone資料表示伺服器當前使用的時區。初使值為 ... 每個session的時區:每個客戶端連接有自己的時區設置,用session.time_zone變數。其初使值與全域變數time_zone ...
[EC2]變更php與mysql的時域(timezone) | JustFLY~JustBlog~ 2012年5月9日 ... 不能老拿明朝的劍來斬清朝的官,既然我們不再預設的時域當然要自己變更一下。 sudo su vi /etc/php.ini 找到;date.timezone 改成date.timezone ...
MySQL timezone change? - Stack Overflow Sign up or log in to customize your list. more stack exchange communities Stack Exchange sign up log in ...
10.6 MySQL Server Time Zone Support The permissible values for --timezone or TZ are system dependent. Consult your operating system documentation to see what values are acceptable.
Modwest FAQ and Knowledge Base - How do I change MySQL timezone? The PHP function TIME() will return a GMT... number of seconds since 1970. It is always GMT. ... you ...
Setting the MySQL timezone per connection Setting the MySQL timezone per connection Posted December 20th, 2008 in MySql (Updated January 1st, 2009) There may be instances when you need to set your MySQL database to a different timezone from the one the server is in, but only for a specific ...
timezone - How to set time zone of mysql? - Stack Overflow on one server,when I run: mysql> select now(); +---------------------+ ... I thought this might be useful. There are 3 places where the timezone might ...