php - MySQL now() change timezone - Stack Overflow 2012年5月23日 - I'm using the following INSERT statement: INSERT INTO messages ... You would want to go ahead and use the CONVERT_TZ() function in ...
How do I get the current time zone of MySQL? - Stack Overflow 2010年5月29日 - But the whole question of what timezone the MySQL server is using ... That sets the timezone to GMT, so that any further operations (like now() ) ...
What timezone does MySQL's NOW() follow - Stack Overflow 2009年9月18日 - Does MySQL's NOW() follow the system's timezone or some standard ... It's in the current time zone. From the 5.1 docs: Returns the current date ...
how to set timezone of mysql? - Stack Overflow 2009年5月31日 - There are 3 places where the timezone might be set in MySQL: .... I've met it since FreeBSD 4 and Slackware Linux in year 2003 till today.
12.7 Date and Time Functions - MySQL CONVERT_TZ(), Convert from one timezone to another ... This means that multiple references to a function such as NOW() within a single query always produce ...
Converting Timezone-Specific Times in MySQL - The ... 2012年11月16日 - mysql> SELECT NOW()+INTERVAL 8 HOUR; ... A much easier way would be to set up the MySQL timezone tables so you could run a query ...
How do I change the timezone for the NOW() function in MySql ... 2007年12月31日 - SELECT CONVERT_TZ(NOW(), 'US/Eastern', 'GMT'); (NOTE: The above command assumes your current time zone is Eastern.) Link #1 describes the ...
How do I change MySQL timezone? - Modwest FAQ and ... MySQL is only capable of having 1 timezone setting per mysql daemon. Therefore, you cannot select NOW() and expect a result in a timezone other than MST.
How To Synchronize Your Timezones in PHP and MySQL 2011年4月19日 - You're unlikely to run into timezone issues during development or if you're ... You're unable to use MySQL date/time functions such as NOW().